Unwanted Feelings

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Veronica POV

"Hey B, what was that?"  I asked running up to reach Betty walking rate
"What was what Veronica?"  Betty  said smirking "Jughead he put his arm over you , why did he do that ." I said as I stopped walking making Betty stop to "We may of had a moment , I like Juggie and I wanna see where this goes." She says trying to find the words to describe whatever it was that happened between them "A moment , you guys kissed?" I asked as I made a disgusted face.  " Yes  Ronnie we kissed , are you going to keep asking me questions or let me go to practice?" Betty asked trying to walk around me.  " So a kiss determines feelings?" I asked while grabbing her arm keeping her from walking away. She looked at me for a couple of seconds and then said " I don't know Veronica you kissed Archie tell me did you catch feelings?" She asked me. I looked at her with a hurt expression I was about to say something snarky back but Cheryl interrupted me which I thought was for the best "Hey  ladies are you done this stupid conversation so we can get practice started or your both out of the dance this Friday" Cheryl yelled. I was about to walk off but stopped and looked a Betty and said "For the record , Betty, you're the only person I actually cared about losing when I came into this town...... I should get to practice." Letting go of Betty's arm as I walk to the gym.

                           1 hour later

We just got done practice,  I know Betty feels bad for bringing up the Archie thing knowing how it almost ruined our  two day friendship we had at the time but I really don't care at this point.

"Hey Ronnie can I talk to you?" Betty asked nervously " If your going to throw the Archie conversation up again than no." I said as I packed my practice bag . " No , No it's not about that , I-I swear." I saw that she started to dig her nails in her hands so I grabbed them and open the so she didn't hurt herself  " Betty calm down, I will talk to you."  " I would like to apologize sometimes this darkness is really hard to control and it makes me do and say really stupid shit." She said slightly crying " I don't want to turn into Dark Betty." My heart hurt at the sight of her crying i cupped her face and said " Betty it's okay you won't turn into her because your always allowed to be yourself around me , I want to except you like you excepted me please allow me to do that."  I turned her face so she will look at me " please" I said as she stared into my eyes. "Okay" her voice was weak and filled with sadness so I just pulled her into a hug. " I'm sorry" she keep whispering the same thing over and over again as I rubbed her back.

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