Just A Kiss , Yeah ...Yeah

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Veronica POV

It's been one week since the sleep over at Betty's and exactly the same amount of time since the second kiss between us happened. Right now we are  at pops with the Archie and Jughead , they finally went back to the car that Archie dad let him borrow to get their phones. "Betty can we talk." I ask trying to hurry this conversation before the boys get back. "About what" she asked playing with her straw "About the Kiss W- "RONNIE, it was just a kiss no more probably less, I only did it because you dared me to so let's not bring it up like I said before I'm really into Jughead, we just actually made it official." Betty cut me off. I just glared at her then shook my head but as I was about to say something Archie and Jughead came back. " Hey Ronnie what's wrong you seem kinda sad" Archie pointed out " Well when life is full of disappointments that's what it can do to a person mood." I said without looking up "What" Archie asked clearly surprised by what I said. "You know what I wanna go home so imma call an taxi  or something." I said as I got up and gave Archie a twenty dollar bill to pay for my half of the food. "Don't get a taxi Betty would love to drop you off, I'm sure." Archie said more in a question voice. I looked at Jughead then to Betty then back to Jughead and said " I rather take a taxi or walk..you know to clear my mind, I'll see you guys tomorrow." With that said I got up and left but not before looking back , regretting it as I did, I see Betty lean in to kiss Jughead.  Is this how friends treat each other.?

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