No more friends

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Veronica POV

Is this how friends treat each other

The question that I asked my self is replaying in my head until I came up with the answer. No. This is not how friends treat each other. Betty treat me this way because we were never friends. I feel like tomorrow at school I should just distance myself.

        *Next Day/still Veronica POV*

"Hey Ronnie." Betty said smiling. When I didn't  answer she just keep going "Yesterday was really fun you should've stayed. Jughead and I played basketball , which I know sounds weird but he's actually pretty good. Archie of course tried to get almost every girls number though he failed miserably." I was getting very annoyed like nobody wants to know what Jughead is good at. I honestly can't remember what Betty was like before she started dating him. "Well thank God I wasn't there to interfere with Archie playboy game or the game between the two lovers." I said with a harsh tone before closing my locker " Why are you being like this. I get it if you jealous of me for dating Jughead but you can be a little kinder." Is she fucking serious? Jealous, Veronica have never been jealous and never will be jealous over someone named Jughead . "Jealou- Betty I'm not jealous of you for dating Jughead. I don't give a fuck about who Jughead date. Sometimes you make me wanna flip out and go to old Veronica." Betty ran her hand through her hair and said "I'm pretty sure you are old Veronica. Because the new Veronica would tell me why she gets bothered by me being with Jughead." "You're always around him. 24/7 you're up his ass all the time." I yelled good thing there was no students or teachers around. " So Fucking what he's my boyfriend. Why the hell do you care so fucking much if I'm around my own BOYFRIEND." She yelled back her face turning red as she do "Because I fucking like you." I yelled but stopped as I heard what I said. She looked at me with wide eyes so I just continued. "I like you or liked you but your right Jughead is your boyfriend so I'll stop talking to you when he's around." I stated looking down. She looked at me and started to say my name but I cut her off. "I'm just going to go home I'll tell Archie to give me notes ." And with that I walked out, different from how I walked out yesterday. This time I was not looking back.


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