New Butler

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Encre's POV

I wake to the sounds birds chirping by the window, I felt as if I had the worst dream everm, like I was being bitten by a vampire. I fully open my eyes to find it was all reall, I wasn't at home 'where am I' I thought. The room I was in was quiet intrestig to look at, it had beautiful paintings on the walls with extravagant curtains and furniture around, even the bed itself was amazing, I srood to look around and realized a pain in my neck, I reached to feel it and felt two holes among it, 'I knew it wasn't a dream'. I open the door from the room I was in to find a large hallway wih more paintings of different skeletons plastered onto them, they were mostly vampire which gave me an idea of where I was. I searched the hallways and found stairs foing down, at that moment I found the same tall and hansome figure from that night. He seemed to notice me, I remembered him and his name 'Fallacy'. He started walking towards me, following behind him was what seemed to look like a smaller version of him but with more pink on his outfit. I back away slowly, terrified as I was he smiled at me calmly. "Morning Encre. Jasper, meet our new butler." His voise was very calm and soothing. "Nice to meet you." The smaller one seemed to be named 'jasper' it was qiuet a nice name, especially 'fallacy'. "We had a talk earlier and thought you wouldn've needed some help along your way. Suave!!" Fallacy called, another skeleton came around the corner, he was no vampire like the other two though. "Hello, I am Suave." He was quiet a gentleman, he had purple tinted glasses with a small hat on his head, he smiled and escorted me to another room. Sooner or later he skeleton known as Suave shows me around this castle introducing me to maids working around here. "Hello, I am Fibi" a small girl extends her hands me, everyone here seems so polite, I shake her hand smiling deeply. In the corner of my eye I see Fallacy looking at me, I turn to see him smiling, I smile back and notice a ligt blush on his face, he walks off hidding his face. 'He is nice in his own ways'. After a while Suave sets me with a job, " Fallacy dosent really know what you can do, so we decided that you help that best you can around okay!!" "Oui!" (Yes) I replied. "You know French?" Suaved seemed suprised by this "Mhm!" I nod happily. "
Je connais aussi le français!" (I know french too) I exclaims. We both laugh at this and he begins to walk off. "Bien, je vais faire du travail." (Well I'm off to do some work) "d'accord!" (Okay) I say as I head off in the other direction. As I leave I see Fallacy again. " Enjoying yourself here." His voice again was soft and comforting. "Suprisingly I am." I answer to him. He chuckles as he leaves into the hallway with his ripped cape following beind him.

The Vampire Soulmate (Fallacy X Encre)Where stories live. Discover now