One and true

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(Sorry I haven't been writing anything lately but I'm here)

Fallacy's POV

After the new mortal came in for some reason I couldn't sleep or even rest for that matter, but I didnt know why 'whats wrong with me' I was lost in my thought before realizing Encre had been watching, "Lost in your thoughts?" He spoke playfully. "How long were you there for?" "Just a little while" I look out the window to find the moon beginning to settle into the scenery, my sromach starts to grumble a bit, Encre had even noticed. " Hungry?" I look at him giving a look for to back away, although the last time I had dug my teeth into him had tasted quite satisfying. "You should probably go." I say before reaching for my room door. No other maid or butler was around, just me and Encre, though he didn't leave, "why? Will you suck my blood?" His voice seemed more curious at this point. "That is a possibility. That's why you should leave, unless, you want me to bite you..." I found a slight rainbow blush cover his face, a range of different colours scattered his cheek bones. "W-what?! No, it was just a question." Encre looks away revealing more of his neck, I grow more hungry. I turn to face the door, my fangs begin to form and my eyes glance back at the skeleton. "Why are you still here?" I ask impatiently, "I dont know, but you seem extremely hungry..." he seemed worried for me, but who would worry for me. "Well if your still here..." I face towards Encre before quickly pulling him into my room, "WHA-?!" I cut off his words with my fangs, digging right into him, sucking blood filling my hunger. His yells suddenly calm down. It must've been just the getting used to it, but I look at his face, still blushing like before. Would he have been, enjoying this? I bring a slight yellow blush to my cheek bones. "Your welcome.." His voice grew drowsy and tired, I brought him to his room to put him to bed, all was fine till the thought came back to my head 'why would he do this? Does he...enjoy being here?' I shook off the thought and started towards my room. I sat on the bed and more thougts race in my mind, but one thought played over and over 'Am I in love with a mortal?...'.

(Sorry I haven't been writing much in these chapters but I'm working on it)

The Vampire Soulmate (Fallacy X Encre)Where stories live. Discover now