"Morning After."

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Lafayette's POV

I woke up with a sharp pain in my ass and thought to myself, 'Damn, Herc is always going rough on me, not that I'm complaining or anything'
I smirked and struggled out of bed to the bathroom, I groaned and looked into the mirror at my naked self, I looked at the soft trail of fading bruises from the night before on my neck. ¨Sorry about that¨ A sincere, yet familiar voice came from behind me, I had an idea who it was.
I jumped, the voice behind me turned to a broad laugh. I turned around and faced it to find that it was indeed who I thought. Hercules.
Laff nods, ¨I see you're up¨ He says cheerfully
¨Well initially I was going to make breakfast for you as a way to make up for the, uh¨ He pauses ¨hickey.¨ A dark blush spreads across his face, Laff giggled at the sight of him.
¨Alright that will do, I was about to take a shower, but Ill do that after breakfast¨ He announced, remembering that Hercules made some of the best pancakes he'd ever eaten.
¨Alright, Mon Amour, maybe I could join you?¨ He asked a smile tugged at his lips.
¨If I didn't know any better I'd say you were flirting with me¨ Laff said teasingly
¨So what if I am?¨ He asked challengingly
Laff just laughed and nodded his head, answering his lover's earlier question

Hercule's POV

I smiled teasing my little Laffy Taffy was always fun but him attempting to be seductive was a lot more fun.
I brushed a piece of hair out of his face and pushed it behind his ear. I chuckle as a crimson blush spread against his face. I placed a kiss on the top of his head and left him in the bathroom to go make breakfast.
I quickly grabbed the pancake flour and started making pancakes.

Lafayette's POV

I wet my face with cold water attempting to wash the heat off my face, I hated when he did that, making me blush this early in the morning. I sighed, thinking about how lucky I was to have Herc and his amazingly good pancakes. My phone chimed and I picked it put and unlocked it. I read the message,
New message from: Ham Slice

From Ham Slice- Hey are you coming over tonight??
To Ham Slice- What?
From Ham Slice- Dinner remember? Double date?

To Ham Slice- Oh! Right, yea I remembered. Ill see you tonight!

I put my phone down and muttered to myself, how could I forget about that Hercules has been talking about it for like, 3 days straig-
My train of thought had been interrupted when Herc has busted through the door with a few splotches of what seemed like pancake batter, all over his shirt and pants
"Laff pancakes are ready, mon amour!!!" He said grinning like a madman
I chuckled "Why do you look like you've done something wrong?"
"I dont know what youre talking about." Herc said simply and left on that note.

Hercule's POV
I jogged back to the kitchen and grabbed the pancakes I had just made and set them onto the table, just as Laff had come into the room.
He looked at the pancakes then looked at me,
"Did you seriously make heart shaped crêpes?!"
I smirked "Yep!"
He giggled as he sat down and started to eat.

Laff's POV

We finished eating and decided that we would watch movies until 5:00, because we had dinner at 6:00.
"Do you wanna watch Me before You?" Herc asked
"Sure I heard it's really sad." I responded.

Hercule's POV

After a hour or two and a few thousand tears, Laff had finally drifted to sleep. I smiled, thinking about the Frenchmen until darkness finally found me.

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