What It Takes

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Derek, Cristina and Meredith were in the car on the way to the hospital. Derek drove while Cristina and Mer sat in the back seat together.

"So Owen..." Derek began.

"Why does everybody keep asking me about Owen?" Cristina shot back.

"I haven't even said anything yet. But why wouldn't we keep asking you about Owen?"

Cristina glared at him. "We've spoken here and there. I'm leaving not too long from now, remember?"

"You should talk to him, Cristina." Meredith told her.

"I can't, okay? I can't. Things are different now."

Derek silently listened, not wanting to say anything because Amelia is his sister.

"Which is exactly why you should speak to him," Meredith emphasized. "You can't just act like nothing happened between you too, ever. Even if your situation stays the way it is now, it'll be nice just to see what's up with him."

Cristina turned to Meredith with an amused face. "I see you haven't gone all dark and twisty again."

"I have my moments." Mer smiled.


"Are we almost done with these tests? They get repetitive after a while," Elliot, the conduit patient asked.

"Yes, I know," Cristina agreed. She was listening to his heartbeat. "We're almost done. But what you should really be thinking about is the surgery."

Elliot scoffed. "It's cool, I'm cool," he said waving his hands around. "I trust you. You've been keeping an eye on me for a while now and I wouldn't want anyone else as my doctor."

Cristina looked up at him questioningly and smiled. "Mhmmm," as she continued to listen. She was then done and placed the stethoscope around her neck.

"So we've been over the details already. I am confident that this surgery will have you leaving this place with no problems whatsoever but there is a minor chance of complications. You will have to take it very easy when you're out of the operating room, okay?"

Elliot nodded.

"I don't ever want to see you again," she added.
He laughed.

"Alright," she said before walking out of the room.

Upon entering the hallway she saw Owen speaking to a nurse while waiting for a patient's charts. Cristina sighed before quickly walking in his direction. She tried not to make eye contact and walk past him without confrontation. She was almost gone before she heard him say her name.

"Cristina," he said attempting to grab her attention.

"It is she," she said facetiously. Owen chuckled.

"So uh, how's your patient? Headed into surgery soon?" He was nervously rubbing his hands against his pants.

"Yes, actually. But not today. In two days. And he seems perfectly fine right now. He's a pain in the ass but I kind of enjoy it."

"That's good. Look, we haven't really talked. I mean, we've talked but not had a real conversation. We should catch up or something."


"Yeah," he confirmed.

"Okay. When? Where?"

"Meredith's house tonight? I, of course, would have to ask her but..-"

"Oh, I'll ask her. It's fine."

"Great," Owen smiled trying to picture her asking Meredith. He precisely remembers the strong bond those two used to have.

"I'll bring wine! She probably doesn't want me using hers," Cristina chimed while walking away.

She tried looking for Meredith until hearing that she was currently in the operating room. Cristina waited until she soon got out and ran up to ask her.

"So... you know the whole wanting me to talk to Owen thing?"

"Yeah?" Meredith asked curiously.

"It's going to happen. At your house if you, you know, let me. But please don't make a big deal out of it, we're just catching up."

Meredith let out a sigh of relief. "Finally. My kids will be over at Callie and Arizona's and I'll have to find a way to get Maggie out for tonight. So you'll have the whole house to yourselves..." she smirked and raised her eyebrows playfully.

"Don't push it. And isn't Amelia your sister in law? This seems kinda twisted."

"Yes, and you're my sister. What's twisted?"

"You urging me to be all buddy-buddy with Owen."

"There's nothing wrong with that. Oh, and it's been confirmed. They're getting a divorce."

"Oh," Cristina said with a hint of sadness in her voice.


It was about eight o'clock as Cristina sat on Meredith's couch. She had wine out on the table and was just waiting to hear the knock on the door. Part of her was nervous but the other part was rational and calm. This wasn't a stranger on a first date she was about to speak with- it was Owen. The man she loved so passionately and intently years ago. She knew Owen. But what mostly worried her was the extent of which he changed.

While waiting, she scanned the house. Pictures of Meredith's kids were everywhere. On the wall, framed on coffee tables, in the dining room. Cristina felt happy for Meredith but also glad that she didn't choose the same path. She could have handled being a mother but didn't want to. Her passion was medicine and she couldn't imagine it any other way. Cristina would love her child, of course, but the guilt of loving her job more would eat her alive.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a faint knock on the front door.



Guys, I am so sorry for taking forever to update. I haven't felt too creative lately and I don't enjoy writing a new chapter if my head isn't fully into it because I feel that it won't turn out as good. But now I have an idea where this story is going and I have more free time now so you'll hopefully be hearing more from me! Xx

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