In My Feelings

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Cristina thought about the night before, not believing that they just confessed their love for each other, again. She instantly felt a tinge of regret. It was bad timing - he was going through a divorce and she wasn't staying permanently.

It was so sudden. They both felt the tension building up over the past couple of days and knew it was going to erupt at some point.

"Aren't you supposed to see your patient right now?" Meredith asked as they walked together. Cristina was grateful that she changed the topic.

"No, not yet. Later. Are there any surgeries you think I could scrub in on until then? It's boring here."

"Oh, that's just because you don't technically work here anymore. This place is anything but boring. A major change of pace form Zurich though, isn't it?"

"Definitely," Cristina agreed.

"Well, if you ask Dr. Pierce I'm sure she'll let you join in on one of her surgeries. Even if it's a simple one. Just get some blood on your hands."

"Yeaaah, about that..."


"I don't think she likes me very much."

"And why would that be?"

"I kinda called her annoying before giving her the job and wouldn't stop getting on her nerves on my last day."

"Oh, c'mon. You chose her for Chief of Cardio before leaving. I'm sure she doesn't care about what you call her."

"You're right. Plus, this is just a visit."

"Cristina, when are you leaving? Trust me, I love having you here but you keep stressing to us that you're not staying."

"After I'm 100% positive that Elliot is fully recovered from his surgery."

"Mer!" a voice called from the distance. Amelia was making her way over to them.

"Do you mind if I-," she paused, looking over to Cristina.

She was immediately taken aback when she found out that Cristina was returning to Grey-Sloan. Especially during the middle of her divorce. How convenient, she thought. But Amelia wasn't even sure that Yang knew about it prior to coming here.

Not to say that she was threatened by Cristina, but Amelia knew she was stepping into dangerous territory when she started dating Owen. It was obvious that there would be some push back from Meredith, with Cristina being her "person". Whatever that meant -- she never understood the phrase.

"Oh. Hi. You're Cristina, right?"

"I am." Cristina smiled politely.

"Pretty sure we've met before, although it was like ages ago."

"It was. Mer and I were still residents then."

"Wow! A lot has changed since then." Definitely a lot.

"For sure."

It was incredibly awkward. Cristina was still married to Owen back then. Amelia and Owen hadn't even met face to face.

"Anyway, I was going to ask if I could babysit the kids tonight. You know, to get my mind off... things."

The three of them knew what she was talking about.

"Sure, it's fine. I'll make dinner and leave it for you guys."

"Oh, no, I'll make dinner. It's all covered."

"Okay, then."

"I should probably get going," Cristina said.

"Meet me at lunch, remember!"

"I will!" Cristina called out.

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