Love Is a Funny Thing

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"This surgery has been done plenty of times. You have no reason to worry, I assure you." Cristina told the patient, Isabelle.

"She's right, Dr. Yang is the best of the best!" Jo squealed, sounding a little too unprofessional.

Cristina turned around and gave her a look as if to say we get it. Jo was on Cristina's service today and she couldn't be more excited. It had been a long time since she's gotten to work under her.

"So I've heard," Isabelle replied. "Aren't you the one who is in charge of your own hospital?"

"Something like that," Cristina smiled. "Okay, so Dr. Wilson here will prep you for the O.R. and I'll meet you down in surgery."


"We're about done, I just have to clip this..... and there. Wilson, you feel like closing up?"

Jo stood in shock. "Yeah, of course!" She stepped closer and took the place of Cristina.

Cristina observed her complete the surgery. "Steady hands. Pretty good."

"I think that's about the nicest thing you've ever said to me." She was smiling hard.

"Alright, don't get carried away now, Hairball."

Jo nodded. "Yup, that sounds more like it."


2 weeks later...

"... So we're barely speaking, and when we do speak it's about work or patients. Which is fine but," Cristina took a deep breath. "Are we just going to ignore what happened? It's been two weeks. I just don't know what to do."

After her rant was finished, Meredith raised her eyebrows but stayed silent.

"What is it?"

"Nothing," Meredith said nonchalantly.

"Oh, c'mon. I vented for like ten minutes straight and not one word came out of you the entire time. Spit it out," Cristina ordered.

"Okay," Meredith gave in. "You keep talking about this as if it's some complicated issue-"

"Because it is," Cristina interrupted.

"Except it's not."

Cristina rolled her eyes.

"The feelings are obviously still there. And trying to repress them isn't working. Amelia and Owen are divorced. You don't even live here permanently, so you should enjoy this chance while you have it standing right in front of you. You're so caught up on whether or not this is a good idea that you're missing your opportunity. I know you didn't even get a formal goodbye last time. Stop thinking about whether it's right or wrong and just be happy for a little while. Let yourself be happy."

With that being said, Meredith casually continued on walking. Cristina was left there contemplating the words lingering in the air.

Suddenly, she turned around toward the opposite direction that they were originally walking. Meredith kept going, knowing the reaction her advice would incite.

Cristina searched around the hospital asking where Owen was. She asked nurses and even other surgeons.

"Hey, have you seen Owen?" She asked Alex.

"He's leaving, he just passed by not too long ago." Cristina looked around.

"Why?" Alex pried with a smirk on his face.

"It doesn't matter," she dismissed. "Look, can you please tell me which direction he went in?"

"That way," Alex pointed.

"Thanks," Cristina said.

She walked at a very fast pace hoping to find him when she finally did see him walking through the main doors of the hospital entrance.

"Owen!" She called out.

He instantly recognized her voice and turned around.


"Hey," she repeated back, jogging toward him.

"I tried to watch your surgery from the gallery today but Bailey-"

"What are we doing?"


"You and I are throwing so much away. I know you just got divorced and I don't even live here and.... this probably isn't even right..." Her speech came out messy and she used various hand gestures, trying to get the words out. It was obvious she hadn't planned this.

"But I love you. I always have. I love Zurich and I am happy there. My work is everything. So I tried to suppress my feelings, push them down so that you and I could move on. But it never went away. I love you, I love you. And I know you love me too." She took a step closer. Owen looked at her attentively, soaking in every word coming out of her mouth. He was stunned by the amount of raw emotion she was showing.

"It's stupid, just stupid for us to keep pretending that this doesn't exist. I know it does. I feel it." She softly placed a hand on his chest.

Cristina looked up at him, waiting for him to say something. Anything.

"Owen, please. I didn't say all of this for nothing."

"I love you too."


Awww <3 Well, folks. They finally confronted it. These two fought so hard for their relationship. I get so heartbroken thinking about them sometimes because they knew that their differing views on the future was a problem but they didn't want to break apart no matter what. Aside from the baby issue, they had a relatively healthy relationship because they confronted their conflicts head on and communicated (+ attended therapy) rather than running away and hiding. Their ending was one of the hardest to watch.
I combined multiple pieces of dialogue from different scenes like Cristina's speech by the elevator in 10x17, Jackson standing up at April's wedding, etc...

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