Lean On Me

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Cristina was looking at the surgical board to see if there was anything interesting she could possibly scrub in on. Elliot's surgery was later on and she wanted to stay at the hospital the whole day. She had considered sightseeing this morning before stopping herself.

Sightseeing? Are you forgetting that you actually lived here for multiple years? she mentally asked herself.

"Hey," Owen walked up beside her.

"Hi." She studied his facial expression to determine his state. He still looked exhausted, his under eyes dark as ever. She wondered where he had slept last night. The thought of him spending the night in an on-call room once again to avoid his wife brought her a tinge of sadness.

"So if I'm not wrong, your surgery is today." There was a bit of optimism in his voice.

"Yes, it is."

"How are you feeling?"

"Hm?" Cristina was unsure if he meant about the surgery or her overall mood. She hoped for the latter, knowing now that he still cared about her.

"Are you ready for it?" He clarified.

"Oh." She glanced down at the floor. "Yeah, I am. We're ready."

Owen nodded. "Good, good. I'll be in the gallery watching, along with pretty much the whole hospital staff." He laughed.

"Oh God, really?"

"Yep. You're like famous now," he smiled. He was so very proud of her.

"Eh, I guess you could say that."

No matter how arrogant people thought Cristina was, she never saw herself as some celebrity. Years ago she would have reveled in the fame of it all, but now it was different. She had perfected her craft and changed the landscape of her specialty forever, and she will always be happy about that. But she was more focused on her job and making the patients healthier again.

"No, seriously. Everyone knows your name." He paused, "It's what you deserve." Their eyes met as she smiled gratefully.


Cristina had her eyes closed and was silently rehearsing the steps of her procedure. Those up in the gallery watched in awe as the goddess prepared to work her magic.

Owen walked in to find a large crowd staring down at Cristina. Everyone just viewed her as the focused, calm, and collected surgeon - which she was. But Owen had experienced more sides of her. He saw when she was at her lowest points, vulnerable and terrified. When she was patient and caring while helping him through his PTSD. When she was worried and frantic about the future of her education and career. But he also saw the more laid-back, carefree Cristina. When she was drunk and wouldn't stop cracking inappropriate jokes. When he would wake up and find her dancing to loud music in the kitchen. When they would just lay in bed staring at one another, simply enjoying each other's presence.

She wasn't just a cardiothoracic surgeon to him. She was Cristina Yang, the passionate, determined woman who had her fair share of struggles, yet never failed to bounce back each time stronger than ever.

Owen swiftly grabbed a seat as someone was paged and had to leave.

The nurses were almost ready and Cristina continued to go over the steps in her head. She was confident about the surgery and felt that it would run smoothly. She couldn't be more wrong.

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