Chapter 3: Confused and Hurt

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All I can do is cry... I'm stuck in the stall in the bathroom of my school. How can I get help without anyone knowing about it? I wish this would have never happened. I wish this would end. I let her do those things to me. IT'S ALL MY FAULT...


*knock knock*

Random girl from History class: Hey? Is anyone in this stall? I need to use it.

There were only about 3 bathroom stalls in the girl's restroom & one was out of order. I quickly wiped my tears and cleared my throat, startled by the knocking.

Me: Hey I'm busy! What's wrong with the other one?

Random girl from History class: One is out of order and the other has a bloody pad in it. Like duh, I wouldn't use that one. It's too "eww".

Me: Okay well, just give me a moment. I'll be out in a second.

I pretend to act like I just finished using and flushed the toilet. Then I checked my throat and my face before walking out then I do so. When I walk out she runs into me in a rush but I catch her by the arms with my hands.

Me: Hey .. slow down.

Random girl from History class: I'm uh .. I'm sorry.

Me: It's cool.

She just looked at me and I stared back in silence. Moments after, I asked for her name to break the awkward silence between us. Her name was Melanie (Mail-lan-e 🔈). That was a cute name for someone with such a sassy attitude.

Melanie: Why are your eyes puffy and red? And your voice... it's a little hoarse. Are you okay?

Me: You wouldn't care anyway.

I turned around in a hurry and tried walking away but before I could get to the door, Melanie grabbed my arm.

Melanie: I may not know you. I literally just met you.. but I'd like to know why you're upset because I do care. You may not trust me but I'm telling you I care.


I started to fight her off as she continues to hold my arm. Then things got a little crazy. She slammed me dead against the bathroom wall and held me there. She began to wrap her hand around my neck, cutting the oxygen from my body. Then when she looked up at me I glanced back in her face... it was her.. MS.KEANNA! My vision went into a blur and my eyes shut down. There I was falling into pure darkness.


Waking up slowly in a daze I could start to make out the surrounding sounds around and it was a voice telling me to wake up. I opened my eyes and there I was in the nurse's office at school. I saw the nurse but my hand was being held as well. The girl that was holding my hand was the one that attacked me in the bathroom, or so I thought. The nurse told me that Melanie said I freaked out when I looked at her and began attacking her out of nowhere then all of a sudden passed out.

Me: But, that's not right. It can't be right. I saw her and I know I did. And she attacked me.

Nurse: Seen who?

She checks my temperature and sees that I have an extreme fever and that I'm somewhat delusional according to her. I feel okay though. I just knew something wasn't right. Did my fear created an illusion in my mind and made it look so real that I was actually convinced that Melanie was my foster mom? Is the feeling of guilt about not telling anyone my mom is secretly sexually abusing me? Do I need to tell the nurse?

Melanie: I found her crying in the bathroom stall when I went in trying to use it. She never told me what was wrong though ma'am. She just denied it and was afraid that I wouldn't help and that I wouldn't care.

Nurse: Mariah right? Mariah Williams?

Me: Yes ma'am.

She resumes her typing on her laptop that she was doing when I first woke up. Should I say something about it? I'm really scared about what will happen to me and what Ms.Keanna would do to me if I did tell.

Nurse: Okay Ms. Mariah Williams, your mom just contacted me a few minutes ago and told me she will be on your way to come and get you.

Me: NO! I don't-

Before I could even think about what I was doing I caught myself talking a little "too" much. I slipped up and said the three magical words. SHE RAPED ME... Yep, that did it.

Melanie: She .. as in your mother? (pause)

Nurse: Mariah, you need to tell somebody. You need to speak up. If she is please tell me now before she gets here and takes you home.

She kneels down in front of me waiting for a response from me. Then, there is a voice that comes over the intercom, echoing through the whole school.

Mariah Williams, please report to the main office for dismissal, Mariah Williams for dismissal. Thank you.

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