Chapter 5: Storing Secrets

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*silverware clanging against our plates*

Ms.Keanna: So how was your.. "half day" at school? Everything seemed fine until I picked you up. They told me you had some sort of anxiety attack and fainted?

Me: Yeah, I don't know what was wrong with me. All I can remember is using the restroom then fainted when a girl came in. Next thing I know, I wake up in the doctor's office to be dismissed over the intercom.

Ms.Keanna: What all did the school nurse ask? She didn't tell me much either.

This damn woman is asking too many questions. Im a little nervous because I dont want to slip up, say the wrong thing, and she find out I told someone that she raped me. She would kill me if she'd find out.

Me: All she asked me was what caused my anxiety to rise. *nervously* I told her nothing did. It just ..happened.

There was a dead silence the rest of the time we sat at the table and ate. I could just feel that something bad may happen tonight. What if she snaps tonight and decide to hurt me, again? Im so scared I wish my life wasn't this way. Im so scared to even tell anyone but at the same time she forces me to.. like it.
Hours later, Keanna and I go to our rooms to get ready for bed..

As I am brushing my teeth in the bathroom, I get a text message from my bestfriend Jhade.

(J) Wyd Bestfriend?
(Me) Just brushing my teeth.
(J) I heard you left school early because you passed out. Are you ok?
I feel like something is wrong with you. You've been acting weird lately. I know when something's up bestfriend. You know you can talk to me and tell me right?

I finished brushing my teeth and stared at my phone for a minute.. then I just closed it and sat down on the edge of my bed. I knew that if I didn't respond back within 5 minutes she would start to blow my phone up. But, I didn't feel like talking about anything or what happened today. She probably wouldn't understand where Im coming from. No one will. Eventually, I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling until I began to doze off.

Around 2:30am
*phone ringing uncontrollably*
I jump up out of my sleep and rolled over to grab my phone. It was my bestfriend. Dammit, this girl. I forgot to turn off my phone all the way. I answered.

Jhade: Hey, I have been calling you and texting you back to back and got no response from you. I was worried something bad may have happened to you again. Don't worry me like that bestfriend!

Me: Im fine calm down. I just fell asleep that's all.

Jhade: Well, okay. You never answered my question though. I saw you read it because your read receipts are on so you had to have seen it. Is there something you aren't telling me?

Me: *sighs* okay yes .. there is something but.. Im afraid to tell anyone what's going on. But since you are my bestfriend I tell you everything. Promise me you won't tell?

Jhade: I won't, I promise.

Me: ... well two nights ago, my mom-

Jhade: She passed away?!

Me: No she's still alive. Um, but the other night when I was in bed.. she .. she..

I was startled by my bedroom door creaking open. I immediately hung up right as Ms.Keanna came walking in. She begins to charge at me to see who I was on the phone with! At this point I only had two options ..


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