Chapter 1: The Break Up Part I

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The Break Up - Cassie Cassadaga

I turned the key in the lock and walked down the stairs of the apartment building, on my way to work like any other morning. But it didn't feel like any other morning to me... One floor below, outside her front door in her dressing gown and with the newspaper under her arm, I found Mrs. Duchan. She was clearly trying to make it appear as a coincidental meeting.

"Good morning, Mrs. Duchan. How are you today?" I studied her face. Her hair had moved into a swirl of grey and white strands. It must have been black once. Her ebony skin had become creased and had the folds of age. Around her brown eyes was a shadow of ashes, the skin slowly losing its lustre.

"Well, Cassie darling. I must say that I was woken up late last night. If I wasn't mistaken you and that handsome man of yours were arguing on the street?" She stroked her fingers through her unruly hair and looked back at me.

"Duncan, is it? Why all the shouting, Cassie darling?"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Duchan. We had an argument, we didn't mean to wake you."

"Oh Cassie darling, are you okay? What did you argue about Cassie darling?"

"I'm not okay, we broke up last night..." Before I could say anything more Mrs. Duchan had enclosed me in a bear-like hug, making soothing clucking noises. I managed to free myself before I crumbled to tears in her embrace by saying, "I have to go or I'll be late for work."

As I rushed down the flights of stairs, I could hear the echoes down the stairwell of Mrs. Duchan's voice "If you need anything, Cassie darling..."

I stepped out of the front door; the brisk air met my face. The city was going through that pleasant phase of early autumn. I started to walk down the street, heading towards the subway station. As my feet keep walking, my head started to fill up with thoughts. I drifted back in to the clouds of unanswered questions hovering over my head. I guess I'm single now. That what happened last night was the end. I don't understand how he could just walk away like that. Like I mean nothing to him. Why would he do that to me? Why wouldn't he just talk to me?

I was brought out of my thoughts by the ringing from my phone, I pulled the black sleek phone out of my pocket. Allocated to me when I had started my job. I held it, glancing at the flashing screen for a second before answering it.

"Hello, Jen."

"Hi Cassie, I hope that you are on your way into the office? Mr. Rosenthal our district states attorney has requested you for a meeting!"

"Wait, when did he do that?"

"This morning..." Jennifer's voice was starting to sound impatient, "...if you lived in Manhattan like any normal assistant states attorney and not in Brooklyn, you would have already been in the office and you would have known this!"

"Okay. I get it. On my way now. See you later." I hung up before Jen could start another monologue about all the reasons as to why I should not live in Brooklyn.

My feet kept me moving; they walked me up to the subway platform and onto the train. As I was propelled forward by my feet, my mind was once again distracted by the thoughts that were spinning through it. Why would Mr. Rosenthal request a meeting with me? I'm positive that I haven't done anything wrong. Maybe it's an evaluation or he is going to critique my level of work? I guess that I just need to face this meeting and see what comes from it. At the moment, all I should do is focus on work. There is no point in thinking about Duncan...

The train halted and I jumped off at Delancey Street, walking to Essex Street to take the J train. The street was busy with people pushing past each other. Steam was rising from an alleyway while a taxi driver was honking his horn and shouting behind me. But I was hardly paying attention, my body was in commuter mode making the journey on my behalf without needing any direction or instructions.

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