Chapter 13: The Welcoming

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The Welcoming - Ian Dawn

“So Cassie looked like she was handling everything well last week?” We were both sunk down in one the leather couches in the lounge area of The Society’s headquarters.

“Yes, she did rather well on her first visit. I was worried that it would be a lot to take in for her.”

Andy looked back at me and nodded as if he just figured something out, “So that why you have given her some space over the last week?” Yes, it’s been a lot for her to get her head around.

“It’s been a big transition for her. Finding all this out and still she has to work with me and with Mr. Rosenthal. So it’s been a lot.”

“So how do you reckon she’ll deal with the formal introduction? Meeting all the families, but more importantly meeting all the fellows?” He question was pointed, I knew what he was hinting at and this would probably be the biggest hurdle Cassie would have to face so far.

“I don’t know. All I can do is be there for her. The formal welcoming will be difficult and I don’t expect her to react calmly.”

“What do you think will happen when she has to face Stern?” Andy looked curious. This isn’t some drama played out for his entertainment. This is something serious and something that could potentially tip her over the edge. She can’t leave The Society now that she has just started to accept it.

“It’s not for us to speculate. But I know Cassie and I think that it will be hard for her. She is my friend and I will support her." I pinned down Andy with my eyes, “As you are my best friend, Andy, you should support her too. In any way you can.”

He nodded and wiped the grin of his face, as if he realised the seriousness of my request. I am really worried about how this welcoming will go down. For most members it is just a formality, it’s a chance to be greeted by all the people you have already known all you life, welcoming you into The Society. I’m afraid that for Cassie it might be another shock to the system.

“Sure, I will always back you,” Andy looked back at me.

“Thank you, that means a lot,” I smiled back at him.

“It’s time for me to head out now. I need get some work done at the department before I head over to collect Cassie.” Andy nodded and waved goodbye as I walked out of the main lounge area.

Cassie has just buzzed me in though the front door and I was walking the four flights of stairs up to the top floor, the building was old with no elevator but at least it has plenty of character. I was just turning around on the third floor, preparing to climb the last flight of stairs when a door opened. That old woman was staring at me again, her hair was an unruly swirl of grey and white.

“You are one of Cassie’s friends?” She stared at me as if she was inspecting a foreign object.

“Yes, Madame I am,” I tried to be as polite as possible. She slid out into the hallway, wearing a dressing gown even though it was early evening by now. She grabbed my hand in a firm handshake.

“Call me Mrs. Duchan,” she peered at me with her brown eyes.

“Nice to meet you Mrs. Duchan, I’m Ian Dawn.”

She looked at me like my answer had been superfluous, “I know. You are the detective.” I found this old lady to be very canny. She still held my hand in a tight grip. “So tell me, do you like Cassie? Are you taking good care of her?” Before I could even answer, I was rescued by Cassie. She came walking down the stairs.

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