Chapter 25: The Letter

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The Letter - Ian Dawn

I was sitting in my office at the police department, still working hard on the connection between the unidentified victim in Baltimore and the Lieberman corporation. Unless we had that link it would be hard to argue the string of evidence that we currently had built the case around. However, if we could find the killer and tie the killer to the Broffman organisation we may be able to prove the connection from the other way around.

Just when I was about to make a call to set some detectives to work on this angle, my phone rings, “Hello?”

“Hi Ian, it’s Alan. She’s just spoke to me I know that she is ready. It’s time for you to speak to Stern.”

I quickly hung up the phone and got up from my desk, this was a conversation that should be had face to face. I walked out of my office quickly and headed forwards headquarters.

I passed through the grey meeting room, it always had that glum quality to it. I knocked on the door to Stern’s study and waited. I could hear his voice travel through the door, inviting me in.

I entered his study and sat down opposite him at the desk, he looked authoritative and slightly unengaged. Yet again I am the one breaking all the big and bad news.

“So what did you want to discuss?” Stern's blond hair flicked in the light as he cocked his head slightly, the silver strands in it were reflected in the light.

“Both Mr. Rosenthal and I feel like this needs to brought to your attention gently.” Come on now, deliver this speech just like you practiced.“We feel like maybe there would be favourable with a rearrangement within the fellows.” Stern didn't move a muscle, he knew exactly where I was going with my little speech, but he had decided to sit there motionless and wait me out. “Both Mr. Rosenthal and I have had discussions with Cassie and it would be both of our assessment that she is ready to take up her fellow position. In fact, she seems very adamant that there needs to be a change in leadership...,” I looked at him, trying to assess how he was feeling about this.

Both Mr. Rosenthal and I had discussed how to approach this with Stern many times before, we had been discussing it every since we found out who Cassie was. We knew that this day would come but we didn’t know it would come so soon. We had both decided that telling Stern gently in private would be the best way to enhance Cassie chances, if there was something that Stern didn't like it was a public ambush or attack of information that he didn’t previously know. Stern liked to know well in advance what was going on; if the information surprised him he was likely to react with attack.

“I see…,” Stern had been quiet for a while. He looked at me, a flash of sadness moved through his eyes, “And you think that she is ready for this? That she is ready to be the leader?”

I nodded and then added, “She’s made her mind up and there is no changing her. I wish I could convince her not to, I think she has had enough transitions to deal with lately. But she’s decided that she’s ready. So Mr. Rosenthal and I have to support her.”

Stern didn’t say another word. He just waved his hand, gesturing for me to leave. He clearly wants to be along right now.

I slowly backed out of the room and closed the door behind me. It was odd. Stern had been so calm, almost sad. Hopefully this was a good sign, hopefully he will just let this happen and not pull any stupid stunts.

I was walking around Central Park with Mr. Rosenthal, he was looking rather concerned clearly not trusting Stern to do the right thing and step down from his position.

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