Chapter 2: The Break Up Part II

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The Break Up - Cassie Cassadaga

The chilly air met us when we stepped out of the main entrance. It was colder than during this morning so I lengthened my step and we started making our way to Lenny’s. The bar was only a short walk around the corner which was the main selling point for all of the ASAs at the District Attorneys’ Office, who frequent the place often. I pulled my red coat closer around me and looked over at Joe on my left. He was walking with his characteristic long strides, his dark blue overcoat extenuated his tall and slim body. He was one of those people, who can pull off being tall without looking skinny or gawky. He caught my gaze and smiled.

“Are you ready for drinks?” Jen’s voice brought my attention over to my right side, where she was walking next to me, arms interlocked. She was wearing her standard pink coat. The girl really loves pink, I don’t think there has been a day where I’ve seen her without something pink on.

“Sure. Nice to relax after this day.”

Joe nodded at my reply and added a cheerful, “It sure is!”

We turned the corner and were greeted by the sight of Lenny’s situated on the ground floor of a tall building. The building was in brown stone but the ground floor exterior was clad with white marble. The arched tall windows of the ground floor had little green marquees on them with the name Lenny’s printed in thick white letters. Joe held up the door with a grin and we all stumbled into the warmth and noise of the bar.

“You two, pick a table. I’ll get the beer,” Joe moved towards the bar and Jen led the way into the lounge area, her eyes darting around in search of a suitable table.

The floor of the main area was furnished with low, round tables surrounded by black leather chairs and sofas, that were equally low. These tables normally fill up quickly and as my eyes moved around them, I noticed the guy from Mr. Rosenthal’s office. He was sitting with a group of friends in the centre of the room. They were all stretched out and sunken down in the chairs around the table, deep in a discussion. I recognised his brown messy hair and the stubble across his distinctive jaw line. Weird that I would see him here. I wonder who he is and if he hangs out in this bar often?

“Over here!” Jen was waving impatiently from across the room. Lining the walls were cosy booths with dark brown leather seats. She had managed to find the booth furthest from the entrance and the bar. But who am I to complain, at least she found us a booth.

I strode over to her and sat down. By the time I’d managed to wrangle off my coat, Joe had made his way over with a massive pitcher of beer and some glasses.

“Here we go!” He smiled and slid down next to me on the right side of the booth.

I glanced over again at the stranger from Mr. Rosenthal’s office. From this angle I could only see the back of his messy brown hair.  He was talking to a guy, who was sitting opposite him. His friend had short hair with a head that was almost shaven but from the stubble on it you could tell that he had black hair. His blue eyes were completely focused on the stranger from Mr. Rosenthal’s office and they seemed to be having a vivid debate about something. The guy with the short black hair turned his head slightly, on the right side of his neck I could clearly see a tattoo of a raven. I wonder why he has that tattoo? And what he and the guy from Mr. Rosenthal’s office are talking about.

“Are you going to talk tonight or are you just going to stare out into space?” Jen tapped me on my arm and gave me a speaking look.

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. Why does she always have to be like this?

“So how was your day?” I looked to Joe and Jen for answers.

“Oh it was great,” Joe looked completely at ease and happy as always.

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