Chapter 16: The Fellows Part II

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The Fellows - Ian Dawn

I was sitting in the lounge area, sunk down in a red leather armchair, a newspaper in my hands and Andy next to me chatting away vividly and happily about some party he had been to. I was trying to look relaxed but it was all posture, I was really just sweeping my eyes across the top of the marble staircase, as frequently as I could without seeming like I was waiting for her. But let's face it, waiting for her was all I was doing. God I hope that this goes well. Stern didn't really specify what it was that he wanted to discuss.

"Are you even listening to me?" Andy's voice sounded both teasing and slightly amused.

"Yes, big party, lots of girls, loads of fun?" My reply came out unenthusiastic, eyes still fixed at the top of the marble stairs. Andy laughed slightly and fell into silence, I could see from the corner of my eye that he too had picked up a newspaper, clearly giving up the challenge of trying to carry on a conversation with me. Just as I was about to turn back to my pretend reading of the newspaper I saw her. She turned around, eyes searching the lounge area and landing upon Andy and I, she smiled and started to walk over to us. As she reached our table I noticed that her black dress had little black squares embroidered in the fabric, creating a black on black checker pattern that could only really be appreciated in its intricacy up close.

"Hello guys," she sounded slightly nervous. Of course she is nervous. The last time she was here, her long lost father had showed up like a ghost from her childhood. She will have to meet him for the second time today, no wonder that she is looking worried…

"Are you ready for the fellows meeting?"

Andy looked up from his newspaper, his facial expression was perky and interested from Cassie's question. I had conveniently not mentioned the meeting to him. It is a fellow meeting after all, nothing that really concerned him. I just didn't want to discuss it with him. But I guess that after this I will have to.

"Sure, let's head up now," I got up from the armchair and we proceeded to climb the stairs to the top floor.

"Don't worry. It's just a little meeting nothing dramatic," I was saying this to calm Cassie just as much as I was hoping the words would calm me down as well. I was just about as nervous as she looked. Odd that I care so much. I guess it's because I know that if things go wrong Stern will expect me to deal with it.

We walked into the meeting room, its grey and serious atmosphere was seeping out of the walls. The other fellows were all seated on the right side of the table, their faces only partially lit by the dim lighting in the room, creating an ominous feeling. Cassie sat down, as the sole person on the left side of the table. I took my normal seat on the topside of the right side of the table, my chair was the one closest to the head of the table. As I was staring at Stern's empty seat when I could hear him opening the doors behind me and entering the room. He strode over and sat down at the head of the table. The room was held in a deafening silence and the authority from Stern crept around the table much like fog would creep along the grass of a meadow during dawn. I glanced over at Cassie, she looked pale but determined.

"So Cassie, it's nice that you could join us for this little meeting today," Stern tried to sound light-hearted but I could tell from his voice that he felt like his pride had been wounded by her dramatic departure the last time she had been in this room. I wonder how she is feeling? She must feel like he's trying to dig at her with that comment.

"I must say that I'm sorry for my abrupt departure during the welcoming. But I'm here now so please, let's move on. I'm sure that I wasn't called in for a social visit?" Her words sounded cold and formal. She is clearly trying very hard to accept the situation even though she doesn't like him.

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