Chapter 20: The Transfer Part I

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The Transfer - Cassie Cassadaga

I was sitting at my desk, bleakly looking out the main office area. I found that the events of yesterday had been hard to believe, which to me seemed ironic because lately my life felt as if it was constantly crowded with shocking revelations that I found hard to believe. I'm going to have to talk to Jen about this today. I don't know what to say but I am going to have to say something.

I continued to stare out in space when I noticed that the attorneys had started to drop in. I had arrived early, as I still hadn't gotten used to the fact that I suddenly lived so close to the office.

I saw her walking in, she looked well put together and unworried. How can she act like everything is normal?  Like she hasn't tried to break in to her best friends apartment?

I got up from my chair and walked over to her. This needed to be done, so I better get it done quickly. She was just hanging off her coat and absentmindedly running her fingers through her ponytail, as she turned around to sit down she saw me and smiled. Her way of going about her regular morning routine like this was a day like any other made the anger bubble up inside my chest. Just stay calm, a shouting match in the office is not professional.

"Hi Jen, can we talk?" Her eyes glistened and her attention focused in on me, she looked as if she was expecting me to reveal some juicy gossip that I had just found out.

"Sure what is it?" she sounded excited.

"Not here, let's go to the meeting room."

"Then it must be something really good." She was almost bouncing along after me as I walked with quick steps towards the meeting room. I've always known that she was a busybody and that she would eavesdrop at other people's conversation. But I never thought that she would stoop this low and I never thought she would do anything like this to me...

I closed the door behind us, capturing us both in the confined space of the meeting room. Jennifer had sat down on the table top of the meeting room table, she was looking at me expectantly. She's clearly expecting me to tell her something that she would classify as juicy gossip. How do I tell her what I know? I can reveal that there is a security camera, she would question this and maybe she it would spur her on to continue digging...

"So a couple of strange things have happened lately..."

"Yes?" Jen was hanging at my every word, expecting this to be good.

"My doorman told me that you had been round when I wasn't in during the middle of a working day. Then I spoke to my neighbour Precious, she told me that a girl matching your description was trying to pry my door open on the same day..." I looked at Jen, he face had fell and it had shifted from expectant to being cold and uninterested.

"So what were you doing at my building?" She opened her mouth and closed it again, struggling to get any words out. I cut her off, not wanting to give her an opportunity to lie to me, "I've told my doorman that you are not welcome in my building. I think what you have done is really messed up. Trying to break in to your supposed best friend’s apartment, while you told the rest of the office that you were in a meeting."

"But I was in a meeting!" she was shoving her alibi in my face. Little did she know that I had used my early arrival to the office this morning to look into her meeting, to double-check this little detail.

"You were logged in the staff meeting book as being with a client but I called that client and he hasn't seen you for over a month!" my hot exchange had hit her like a slap across the face. She flinched and blinked rapidly a number of times in succession. For a second she looked like she would cry, but before she could react in any way I ended the conversation, "Why don't you start taking better care of your own clients and stay out of my life?" with those words I walked out of the meeting room quickly.

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