07 | vodka and cranberry

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[hana | liam ]

[The scene opens near midnight at the Moretti estate on the upper east side of Hart's Bay. The patio in front of the limestone manor is overflowing with students holding plastic cups filled with liquor and paper plates piled with grilled meats. In spite of the music and the loud laughter floating through the summer air, a brown-haired boy stands off to the side, staring in contemplation at the message that has just arrived in his inbox from an unknown number.]

hey :)

it's hana

[After staring at the words for a few moments with his fingers hovering over the keyboard, he sighs when he realizes that he's not quite sure what to respond. If his heart was able to type for him, it would have said that it wished she had come. Or that he had stayed at the store. Or, in a begrudging voice, acknowledge that he was starting to see these drunk Friday nights for what they really were - a sad attempt to forget the past and a terrible excuse to wallow in liquid misery.

And yet, he steeled himself against the crowds of giggling girls and brash boys, and headed for the coolers of drinks. Because recognizing all of those things would have been far more difficult, and he had always been better at hiding behind appearances.] 


[The scene continues, half past two in the early morning, in a small pastel-blue bedroom situated one floor above Witschire's. A blonde girl in plaid pajamas is deep in sleep, wrapped snugly in flowery purple sheets and dreaming about sunbathing on a beach. A loud, incessant buzzing from the phone next to her pillow startles her and she grabs it with a sleepy stare.]



the ceiling

i'm up now too i guess

are you okay?

fffffantastic swttheart


you sound high

high on life babe


uh, am i still talking to liam?

liam wilkes?


the one and only

bow down to the king

well that sounds like you



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