Chapter 1

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Selena's POV

*alarm clock goes off* ugh, how I wish I don't go to school, but I have to, in order to be in the gang. Yes I'm in gang, most wanted gang, but nobody knows I always go their after school, except Mondays & Wednesdays. That's the reason why I act like a nerd in school, cause no ones suppose to know who I am, & if I show my identity they'll call the cops, I'm very careful.

As always, I do my morning routine, which I hate cause I need to dress as a nerd, but oh we'll, I have to do everything to be in that gang. I don't tell my parents that I get bullied, not even when I get a bruise, but when they see it I say I fell & they'll believe the lie, which is a good thing, cause if I do, they'll get killed.

Anyway I'm going downstairs for breakfast hopefully they don't ask me questions about why I did it, if you want to knows why, we'll I left Jeremy free from getting killed, and I told them that we can creat a plan to kidnapped Pattie, and make her suffer for everything he did. but my dad was mad, because I let him free, but he calmed a little when I told him why.

"Hey mom, dad morning." I said.

"Hey hun, morning." My mom, Mandy said smiling. I smiled back.

"So mom what your making?" I said, hoping it was my favorite breakfast food.

"It's pancakes, bacon, & eggs."

"Hey Sel, listen today after school we need to go to the gang, something bad will happen tomorrow that we need to go, & yes I know that u have school today, & u get homework, but the gang is more important, cancel whatever u have, tell them that u need to visit your grandma that u haven't seen in years, understand?" My dad, Ricardo, said.

"Yes dad." "Okay now remember what I told u, don't forget, I'm going with the gang, & Kenny will pick you up, bye." "Bye dad." I said.

"We'll mom, I better eat breakfast, cause I don't want to be late." I said as I starting eating my breakfast.

"We'll bye, I need to go to work, & remember what dad told you, bye." Mom said, smiling.

"Yes mom, bye." I said smiling back, & finishing my breakfast.

When I finished breakfast, I got ready for school. Since there's 30 minutes until school I'll take a run, but I hope I don't run into Justin like the other time. We'll almost run into him, if I didn't turn & run back he'll beat me up, but the good thing is, I'm a fast runner. Wishing myself luck, so that I don't run into Justin.


I'm here running, but I can't find the dog I always find when I'm running, it seems like I'm running for hours, but it's been only 20 minutes I think, let me check. Oh my I'm gonna be late, I'll just run back, as I was about to run walk, I bummed into someone.

"I'm so sorry, I -" I said, but got interrupted.

"It's okay." It sounded familiar, I looked up & found Justin smirking, this is not gonna end we'll I just know.

"Oh hey Selena, what are you doing here, let me guess your here because u want me to take your virginity." He said smirking & coming closer to me, & I backed away whenever he got closer to me.

"No, I'm here to go to my dads." I said lying hoping he would fell for my excuse, that's what my father said to say whenever someone tries to hurt me.

"Really, cause this isn't where your dad lives, or are you trying to find an excuse to -" he didn't get to finish, cause I whistled, he got confused why I did it, then my driver came. Yeah my dad said whenever someone doesn't believe the lie, I whistled & my driver Kenny will arrive to save me.

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