Chapter 5

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Selena's POV

When I got to my parents, I notice that they were talking with Jacks parents. When we got to the table, my parents sat opposite of Jacks parents, and i sat next to Jack. Then the waitress came, we ordered what food we wanted & drinks, too. My parent & his parents started talking, while me & him didn't.

"So, how are you doing?" He asked, breaking the awkwardness between us.

"I'm doing great, you?" I answered/asked.

"I'm also doing great, and um can I ask you a question?" He asked, nervous.

"Sure." I said, smiling to him.

"You know since my and your parents agreed us dating, why don't we pretend we love each other, and then we brake up, by pretending we don't have feelings for each other." He whispered, and smiles back.

"Okay." I whispered back. "When we brake up, will pretend that we didn't knew each other got it." I added, and he nodded agreeing.

"You know since you guys are dating I want to know more about you Selena." Jacks mother, Maria, said, smiling at me.

"We'll I live in Canada, I love studying, and I'm getting into college. I wanna start an acting career & also singing career." I said, not wanting to tell more.

"Oh okay, but Jack also loves singin. Maybe you two can go to the same college together, and get married after college or even better get married after you both finish high school." She said, smiling thinking of it.

"WHAT!!" Me & Jack said, at the same time.

"Oh come on,it's not a bad idea, you may not love each other now, but in the future you guys will." She said.

"No mom, I want to marry another girl." Jack said.

"Me too, except it's another guy." I said, agreeing with him.

"I know you guys don't love each other yet, but you guys will -" she started, but got interrupted.

"Mom, what will make you stop saying that, we don't love each other, get over it." Jack said.

"Jack, do it for your mother, please." She whispered. "Selena, do this for her, too, for her happiness." She added.

"Fine, we'll do it for you guys, right Selena?" He asked me, I just nodded my head. Right then, the waitress came with our foods & drinks.

They both smiled happily. They started asking Jack question, I guess to know what he has interest on. I find out, that we had a lot in common, so did my parents. When Jack finished, then his parents started asking me question, too. They also found out that Jack & I have a lot in common.

"I think I like you already." Maria said & smiled at me.

"And we like your son already, too." My dad said.

"You know since they're gonna be dating, why don't they do it at school, too." She said, thinking if the idea. "I mean they're gonna get married in the future, they should show their love." She added.

"WHAT!! We mean we don't think it's a great idea-" Jack & I started, but got interrupted.

"Oh come on, do it for your parents happiness." She said, making a sad face.

"Fine, we'll do it." I said, pretending to give up. "Great!" She said, clapping her hands.

"Are we really gonna do this?" He whispered/asked.

"No, let's just pretend, when were in school, we'll pretend we don't know each other, unless they come." I whispered back to him, he nodded his head, agreeing.

"Were also gonna tell your friends, only the dating part." She said excited. Oh no this can't be happening.

"Um actually we-" Jack started, but couldn't think of anything to stop them from saying it to his friends, because I don't have any.

"Come on, you don't want to keep secrets from your friends don't you." She said, smirking.

"No, we don't, fine." He said, giving up. "Great! But we have to go, you know it's getting late." Jacks father, Camilo, said, leaving money for the food.

"We are, too, but right after we pay for our food." My dad said, and called a waitress, telling her his gonna pay.

"Same here." Camilo said. Then the waitress came, they paid, and we started leaving.

"Selena, Jack is gonna take you to school, right after tomorrow, because tomorrow were telling your friends about you guys dating." Maria said.

"And I also have news, your friends are coming to Canada, isn't that great news." My mom said, excited. "And by the way, I told them already." She added. I just start at her as if she was crazy.

"Mom, I liked the part when my friends are coming, but not the part where you texted them saying the secret, I thought I was gonna tell them, not you." I said, pissed off.

"I'm sorry, I was just excited, I promise next time remind me that your gonna tell them not me." She said, smiling at me. I just nodded my head.

"Good, everything is okay. Now Jack you have to tell your friends about Selena, and Selena is gonna be holding your hand the whole time." She said. "And Selena you have to introduce Jack to your friends." She told me, while we were walking outside the restaurant to our cars.

"Now if you excuse us, were gonna leave." My father said. "Don't worry, everything's fine, were leaving too." Camilo said. We said our good-byes and left.

When we got home, I went upstairs & changed into my pj's. I was excited that my friends were coming, but not the part of the saying thing. For sure, my friends are gonna want answers from me. I heard a knock on my door, and said "Come in!"

"Hey sweetie." She said.

"Hey mom, what you want?" I asked her.

"Instead of dressing like a nerd, your gonna dress as a rich person, that you are." She said.

"Really?" I asked, kinda surprised by why she finally decides it.

"Yes, since your dating Jack, he knows your rich, so you have to dress like that." My mom explained.

"But mom, in school everyone's knows me as a nerd, there gonna think I'm a new student." I told her.

"We'll tell him, that your popular, and that's why people look at you like that." She said.

"Okay." I said.

"Good, now go to bed, and remember tomorrow he's gonna pick you up." She reminded me. "And I also send someone to watch you guys, in case you guys don't wanna act like a couple." She added, with a smirk.

"What!! Why would you do that?" I asked her.

"Come on I know you, but we just want you guys happy, night." She said and left. That was true what she said, now we need to act as a couple at school, what a bad day, I'm gonna have.


Hey guys, sorry for not updating I have been busy with school, tests, and practicing for tests. Also I didn't updated, because I didn't had internet, and it didn't let me write anything, but I did write in school, when I could. I will update the other chapters when I can, I'm still writing them. And on Saturday, I won't update I have a competition with other schools on that day. I don't know about Sunday, but hopefully I can.

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