Chapter 7

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Selena's POV

While we were going to Justin's house, no one spoke. In the corner of my eye, I saw Justin holding the wheel very hard, that his hand almost turned white. I was about to speak, but we reached his house & he got out, while leaving me here. I then got out & went inside, to see that he was no where here. He must be in his room or somewhere, but the problem is I haven't been here before & the house is huge, so how may I suppose to know where he is.

I'll just look for kitchen, he must be hungry maybe that's it, if not maybe his room. I looked for the kitchen, & he wasn't there, he must be in his room, here goes nothing. I went upstairs & went to look for him in the room on my right, but he wasn't. I looked on my left, but he wasn't there either, maybe his in the other rooms. I checked them & he wasn't there, maybe his in the room, that's left. I went inside & it was his room, but the problem is he wasn't there.

I looked around the room & all you could see was photos of him when he was little, a big bed & also a sofa. On the side of the bed you can see a guitar & a night stand. On the night stand, you can see papers, maybe he writes music, I'm gonna check later. I also saw a walk in closet & his whole room was painted in blue & yellow, kinda like a combination in clothes you can wear. I went to the night stand to check the songs he wrote.

I saw the first one, but it wasn't finish only halfway, but I liked it, I don't know why. I also read the next one "Be Alright" that's the name of the song, the other one didn't had name, but he dedicated his song to his mom. Is his mom suffering or something, because the song is kinda making me cry, I hope he's mom is okay & fine. I checked the next paper & it wasn't finish, but it did had a name "Believe" I was about to read it, when I got interrupted by Justin.

"What are you doing in here!?" He said it in a harsh way. I dropped the papers, because he scared me & turn around. And by looking at his face, you could tell he wanted to tear me apart, little by little, but the good thing is he didn't. His eyes turned in a dark color, saying that he wanted me out of his room. When I didn't answered he said it again.

"What are you doing here, answer me!?" He said coming closer to me, he so wants to kill me, just by looking at his face.

"I uh I-I was loo-looking for you and I-I thought you were h-he-r-e." I said, hoping he moves away, because he's walking closer to me. When he reached to me, he got my left arm & brought me outside of his room. And he was hurting my arm, he's so strong, my arm is so not gonna work tomorrow. When we were downstairs, he let go & I looked at my arm, seeing it was turning purple!

"Next time you go into my room, it's gonna get worse, got it!" He yelled & I nodded not looking at him, but my arm.

"Look at me and talk! Or did a mouse ate your tongue, so that's why you can't talk." He said in an sarcastic way, getting my arm again, hurting ten times more than the first one.

"Ow! Let me go, your hurting my arm!" I said, trying to let go my arm away from him, but I couldn't, he's much stronger than me. The more I tried to pull away, the more he hurt my arm. I stopped hoping he would stop, which he did & I thank god for it. He told me to go to living room to study & to wait for him next time.

(2 hours later)

It took us two hours for Justin to tell me his story, since he didn't wanted to. What I had to do to make him was kissing him, of course I had to kiss him, I didn't had a choice. And to tell you the truth was that he was a good kisser & the worst part is I liked, which I shouldn't. I said good bye to Justin & left, walking to my house. I forgot I didn't had a car, so now I need to walk. I was opening the door to get out of Justin's house, when I felt someone touch my shoulder.

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