Chapter 3: Uh-Oh

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You sat in class, thinking. What if you became so close to that boy, Ryan, you accidentally told him? What if he told his friends and they called the FBI to report a "weirdo?" What if the FBI took you away to investigate the "weirdo?"

Miss Y/N! The teacher snapped. Immediately, you snapped out of your trance.

Ma'am? You asked. I asked you what was 6 multiplied by 3. The teacher said. 18. You said. Next time, keep your thoughts in this class. The teacher said. Yes, ma'am. You said. You slid down in your chair. That was one worst thing to start off with your first day here.

At lunch, you sat with your new friends. Spyder, Harris,and Ryan were whispering something, while you sat eating. What if she gets, suspicious, Ryan? Harris said. How do we know if she's not linked to Grey or Harper? Dude. Spyder interrupted. You got some serious trust issues. I'm trying to keep him protected from something terrible! Harris said. You should tell her. Spyder said. She's our new friend. Besides she might find out sooner or later. But what if she's just pretending to be our friend? Harris added. It's okay guys. Ryan said. I'll tell her when I want. The boys turned back to you.

So what're you doing after school? Spyder asked. My homework. You said. I meant like anything fun. Oh. I don't know. Maybe you could hang out with us. Spyder said. That'll be grea- arrgh! Are you ok? Harris asked, concerningly. Yeah. Its just that lately I've been having terrible headaches that last only for a minute or two. All of a sudden, Spyder's phone exploded on the table.

What the?! Spyder gasped picking up his phone. Uh-oh. You whispered.

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