Chapter 5

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Hold up! Hold up! You're a technopath too? You asked.

Yeah. Ryan said, looking down at his feet, rubbing the back of his neck.

This is unbelievable. You had just met these people, barely knew them, and all of you were acting like you all knew each other since kindergarten.

Is it possible we could go back into the lunch room? Spyder asked. My tater tots might be getting cold.

I'm pretty sure there is something more serious going on here, than your tater tots getting cold. Harris said.

Okay then. Spyder said. I'll be right back. He left, leaving the rest of us standing in the hall.

How long have you been having these headaches? Harris asked. Ever since I moved here. You answered. It's kinda weird because I knew I had this power when I was still in my hometown. But ever since I moved here, I've started to get them.

Ryan and Harris looked at each other, mouthed words, and nodded.

After school. Harris started. Meet us in the front. We have something we want to show you. You nodded in understandment.

Hey guys, I'm back! Spyder said, holding his shirt while running.
I see you got your tater tots. You said. Yeah. They're REALLY good.

You have grease stains all over your shirt now. Harris pointed out.

Harris, why you always have to look at the bad side of things? Spyder asked. Who cares about the stains, it's more about the food.

But don't you at least want to come to school, dressed like this? Harris asked, showing his clothes off.

No. Spyder said.

~ Time skip to after school~

You walked to the front of the school, where you saw the three boys.

About time. Spyder said. What took you so long?

I had to get my books out my locker. You said.

It takes someone THAT long to get their books out of their locker? Spyder asked. That's weird.

Considering the fact that they give us homework or that you never take your books home? Ryan asked.

The four of you rode your bikes over to the landfill.

This is where you all are taking me?! You asked in disbelief. 

Just follow us. Harris said. And you'll see. You followed them over to the abandoned looking ferry. All of a sudden, a robot came out. That's when it's foot came down to the four of you, causing you to scream.

~Inside the robot~

You looked around, admiring all the buttons and things you so desperately wanted to touch.

Okay. Harris started. Stand right there in the middle. You did so, as a harness strapped you up. Huh? You asked in confusion.

Move your hand. Harris instructed. You did so, causing the robot to move its hand, also.

No way! I can control this thing?! You asked, Harris. Yep. He nodded. But only you and Ryan can. You squealed, and jumped up and down, causing you to accidentally slip. Ryan rushed over, and immediately helped you up.

You okay? He asked. Yes. You answered. You turned around and blushed, madly.

Now. Harris said. Move your legs forward. You did, and the robot moved forward. You didn't see and accidentally stepped on the bikes, smashing them.

Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! You apologized. I didn't see them! Accidents happen. The boys said. But how are we going to get home? You asked.

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