Chapter 12

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You sat tied up as Clarissa walked in with a plate of food.

Finally. You thought. You hadn't eaten in 16 hours, and you were starving.

She brought the food towards you, as you sat in the chair, hopelessly.

Eat up! She barked. She tossed the plate of food in front of you, and untied you.

As you got closer to the plate, you noticed something was terribly wrong. The "food" was moving.

EWWWWW! You shrieked. What is that?!

Beetles. Clarissa answered. I heard it gives you protein.

It might give me protein, but I'm not eating that! You said, shaking.

She tossed the plate aside. Then I guess you're going to just have to starve down here. She said, cackling.

Can't you just go to the nearest Burger King or something, and buy me a cheeseburger and fries? You asked.

Wow. She said. You have never been held captive, have you?

No, Clarissa. You replied.

You should know I don't spend money on people like you. Clarissa snarled.

So? Who do you spend it on? You curiously asked.

People that I actually like. Clarissa said, putting on some lipstick.

Who in the world is going to see your ugly red lips down here? You thought.

So, who do you like? You asked.

Um, it's kinda obvious. She answered.

I'm pretty sure you can't win everyone over with money. You said. Not even Ryan.

She turned around. Oh really? What if it just so happens that Ryan picks me over you? Clarissa hissed.

Are you just bribing people with money, because you have no personality? You asked. Or better yet, no heart?

She turned around. How about you shut up and be a good little child!

I'm telling the truth, girl. You said. It's because you don't know how to love people.

That's when she ran forward, and slapped you.

I told you to shut it! Clarissa screamed.

That's when you both heard a noise. A drilling noise.

Wh-what is that?! You asked.

Don't ask me! Clarissa said, running towards the elevator.

Too bad! Clarissa said, entering the elevator.

Without thinking, you quickly untied yourself, and threw the chair across the room, running towards the elevator.

That's when the drilling noise stopped, and in replacement came a robot.

But luckily, not just any robot, Mech-X +1.

What the? You whispered to yourself, moving closer. How'd the robot know where to find me?

That's when it stepped on you.

Guys, I seriously couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this book got over 1k views! I couldn't believe something like that would actually happen to a normal person like me!

Thank ya'll so much!!! :) ♥

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