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Michael's P.O.V:


Of course Calum already found out before me.
I didn't answer, I stayed quiet looking at the door, I was watching it carefully not making a single move.

"Michael, open up" I said Calum's voice that was filled with smoke from all the cigarettes he had smoked in the past 6 months.

"Why should I?" My now quiet voice questioned him.

"We need to go see Luke, Michael please, he's still your boyfriend"

I got up from my chair, wiping the still fresh tears from my cheeks.

Mia was already gone, she had found new parents. It was hard to let her go but I had to. God I missed that beautiful young face that was filled with hope, the hope I needed but it was all gone now.

I slowly opened the front door that was not far from the dining since me and Luke lived in a flat. My eyes were on my feet as I hopelessly started to mumble in tears.

"I'm too ashamed, look what I've done. I've killed my best friend and many others, it's kinda crazy that you forgave me, you know?" I choked out, letting my face fall into my hands.

I felt two arms wrap around me, Calum pulled me in for a hug. His hands rubbed my back gently up and down comforting me slightly.

"We'll work this out, I'll explain everything and you'll explain yourself" He put his arms on my shoulders looking into my eyes.

I nodded my head weakly, breaking apart the eye contact. What will I say? He'll leave me. He'll never even read my letters, I'll lose him, I'll lose my everything.

Calum took my hand, glancing at it them lifting his head up again to face me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready." I replied back, acting confident.

but in reality

everything was falling apart around me.

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