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Once, the gaze of two young male met. One walked towards the other and started a conversation.

They smiled. They laughed. They enjoyed each others company.

They started to know each other; every afternoon, they'd meet at an old palm tree and talk about their day. Unknowingly, they treated the place as if it was their haven. Every time they'd meet, one would be talking about his girls and the other would be talking about his academics.

The time came where one decided to stop talking and just listen to his friends' adventures or more like, his friend's playboyness (no, it's not even a word but it suited him).

He didn't bear grudge though.

Actually, he liked listening to his voice. It feels comforting. Melodious. Harmonic, even.

Then one day, he woke up and felt something was about to happen.

On an afternoon, of the same day, they decided to meet again on that same old tree. He was the first one to reach their haven. He patiently waited for him. He was so eager to give him the snacks he prepared - - -the only way to cope with the uneasiness he felt earlier.

Ten minutes later, the other arrived.

He was already smiling, ready to show him his surprise.

To his dismay, he was not alone. He was with a girl, a very gorgeous girl.

He didn't dare to compare their features. He's a boy but his rival was a girl. Wait. They were never rivals. He already lost the fight before it ever began.

He introduced the girl to him. He just nodded at his words, not actually listening to whatever he said. He knew that if he did, he'd just burst his tears.

That was the day where he told himself that he had enough. He needed to tell him his feelings. He thought, if it'd end their friendship, so be it.

His hands were trembling on that night as he clicked the word send. After he did, he screamed. He wanted to stop the message from sending but unfortunately for him,( or fortunately) it was already delivered.

"Opposites attract,

Same poles repel."

If that's the case,

are we just poles on a magnet,

destined to never touch?

Are we just hard special stones,

made to never feel?

If we see our love like that,

should all emotions be contained?

Should feelings have to be trapped?

Shall all love needs to be altered,

to match what the society wants,

to pair with what others see?

His anticipation was killing him. He never felt so nervous like that before. Even playing violin in front of a hundred audience could not par on how he felt after that.

Will he be mad? Will he send curse messages? Will the words he sent disgust him? These questions kept on running on his mind.

After minutes, which felt decades for this guy by the way, his phone started ringing.

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