Candles and Surpise Parties

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This was a very strange dream. One of the weirder ones I've had. So, I'm in a building with my entire class for the end of year ceremony. The building is completely empty except for a table with candles on it. It's late at night and we are the only ones there. This is strange, because at the real end of year ceremony the church was filled with people. Suddenly, Pete says he has to leave. So I tell him bye and said I'll be at your party on Thursday. "What party?" He said. Everyone is now staring at me. Aliyah whispers in my ear that it was a surprise party. "You ruined the surprise!!" Everyone says. Feeling terrible, I start crying and run out of the building. No one comes after me so I just sit outside in the darkness. All of a sudden, I hear a piercing scream come from inside. I run in to see what was the matter. The lights had gone out and the candles had lit themselves. No one claims to have lit them. Mrs. Katherine tells us not to worry and that one of the staff members probably lit them. But we all knew that no one else was there...She told us to  do an art project to pass the time until the power came back on. We all start doing a project when suddenly Aliyah grabs my arm. "I think someone else is here. We should go." She said. So I call my dad to come pick me up and he arrived ten minutes later in his truck. My entire class squeezed into the truck and my dad drives away. I noticed someone riding our tail and told dad about it. "Its okay they are just being jerks." But they followed us into Victoria's neighborhood. My dad punched the gas to try and lose them but they didn't back off. We got back on the interstate and everyone was screaming. Dad drove to the nearest store and we got out. Aaanndd then I woke up. MY OWN DREAM WAS A CLIFFHANGER.

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