Floods and Fairies

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It all started on a boat. My dad, brother and I were reducing people in Houston. We saw a little boy flailing his arms in the air and I pulled him into the boat. "It's going to be okay." I told him. I asked him where his parents were and he said another boat took them to a shelter. He pointed to a small house on dry land. My dad docked the boat and we all got out. The "shelter" was a circular house that was half sunken into the ground. We brought the boy inside where we found Aliyah and a fairy tied to the wall. There was a lady in the kitchen watching football. She didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that there were 2 people tied up in her living room. I untied Aliyah and the fairy and we all left unnoticed. We boarded the boat and somehow ended up at ballroom dancing. Aliyah and I brought the little boy in with us to dance. The teachers had us watch videos and learn some new steps before I woke up.

DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora