Snakes and Babies

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I'm going to try and explain this dream without sounding like a mental patient. My family pulled into the driveway in our big suv. Just as we were about to enter the house we saw a lady near our fence. I sprinted over there despite my parents warnings. The lady was very pregnant and obviously about to give birth. I yelled at my mom and we helped the woman deliver her child in the grass. We cleaned off the baby but something right... The baby's neck wasn't completely formed so he couldn't hold his head up. My dad offered to drive the tired woman and her baby to the hospital but she refused and said to get rid of the baby. Just then someone drove up. Aliyah jumped out the car and ran to meet us. I explained everything as we brought the woman inside. We sat her down of the floor and wrapped her baby in a blanket. "I don't want the baby if he's just going to die" She said. She started crying. It was obvious she was in pain. My mom talked to her for an hour before she finally agreed to take the baby to a doctor and get help.
  The second part of this dream took place at a grocery store. It was late at night and my family and I were casually strolling down the aisles of Walmart, minding our own business. My dad said he was going to the produce section and grabbed my arm to follow him. He went to reach for a pineapple when suddenly this 5 foot long, rainbow colored snake slithered from underneath the fruit. The entire produce section let out an ear piercing scream. I slowly backed away while my dad tried to grab it. He missed, and the snake flew 7 feet in the air, right over my head. I thought a was a goner, but he missed me by an inch. I sprinted away, terrified. Only to run into a pole and knock myself out.

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