Ceiling beams and dares

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This is the second of three dreams I had last night. I was in a huge log cabin with a bunch of other people I didn't recognize. It was connected to a thrift store by a hallway. (Yeah, I know that's weird) Anyway, I was walking around the thrift store part of it with some random people from the group.  We just walked around trying on hats. I saw Aliyah from across the store but she didn't know who I was in the dream. When I got back to the log cabin there were kids climbing on the ceiling beams (they looked just like the ones in the picture) they had put ropes going from one beam to another. None of the adults seemed to care. I climbed onto on of the beams and everyone dared me to swing across. I told them heck no but they said there was no going back now. So I grabbed a rope, held on and jumped. I fell to the floor and broke my leg. All the adults cared now. I remembered seeing Aliyah and Connor standing over me before my dream changed again.

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