Construction and Video Games

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Disclaimer: all my dreams are weird (or so I've been told) I'm not responsible for causing strange dreams in other individuals 😂

It all started at my house. In the dream my house was on the top of a huge hill. The hill looked over a campground with little cabins and a lake. My siblings and I were playing outside on the hill when suddenly this bulldozer drives up the hill to our house. He told us we have 3 days to get out. My Dad came out and argued with the guy for a while then announced we were going to go tubing on the lake. We packed up the car and drove down the hill. We stopped at a spot near the lake. My dad attached the tube to the back of his truck and just started pulling us around the forest. Not on the water. In the middle of the woods. We saw some other kids riding on tubes but they weren't being pulled by anything. They were just....moving. We swerved between trees until we accidentally went down the wrong hill and ended up in an old shopping mall parking lot. Dad drove us back to the house.
When we returned to our house, it was nothing but a foundation. They completely bulldozed it. All of our stuff was in a giant container next to the house scraps. I remember crying because everything in the house was gone except for a stuffed unicorn. The construction people cleared everything out and started building a giant dog kennel. Take a dog crate and blow it up to three stories tall and that's what they were building. When they were finished the filled the bottom of it with water. It made no sense because the door had holes in it but it still held water. So now we had to live in a dog kennel swimming pool.

The dream changed and I was at church. Aliyah, Victoria, Pete, and Connor were there and all the girls were wearing prom dresses. We went to the church service then met up with our parents in the commons area. Our parents told us that they were sending us to video game camp. We all jumped up and down with excitement. 5 minutes later a bus pulled up to church and we got in(still in prom dresses and tuxedos) They drove us to a place with an old cabin, a tree house and some land. Video game and movie posters were plastered on the cabin. We all went inside the cabin which was surprisingly very fancy looking. The counselor dude announced that we were going on a scavenger hunt and he was about to burn the house down because he wanted to. We all started to run out but Aliyah wouldn't leave. Victoria tried to convince her but she wouldn't budge. Connor and I picked her up just as the house stared to burn. We barely made it out. When we stepped outside the guy was gone and we all had maps in our hands. We had to find an old car by sundown and drive it back. We followed the map through the woods and past a school until we came upon an old blue pickup truck next to a barn. I drove our group back to the camp where we awaited the bus to take us home.

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