Doctors and Church

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Bare with me. That's all I'm going to say. My dream started out in a church sanctuary. It was late at night and the only lights were coming from candles on the stage. I was a (very) pregnant doctor (but I was still 15 so yeah I don't know) attending church with my family. Suddenly an ear piercing scream came from the upper left corner of the church. I raced to through the darkness with my phone as a flashlight to find a guy in his mid twenties lying on the seats, bleeding from his stomach. The church service was going on through all of this. I reached in my purse and pulled out a pocket knife and a needle with thread. I talked sweetly to the man then performed surgery on him in the middle of church. As soon as I stitched him back up he stood up like nothing even happened. He thanked me then went on his way. After church was over, I told my family bye then went to my car to find a note that read: Drive to the top of the bridge and wait. I'll meet you there.
I jumped in my car and sped to the bridge. There I found the guy I performed surgery on pointing to a column of smoke. "They're on our tail. We have to go." I stared at him in shock. "I don't even know you, dude. I'm leaving." Before he could say anything, I left and got on a train to my parents house. I looked on the news only to find the column of smoke was a house fire. Lunatic, I thought. On the train I saw Karla, Aliyah, and Connor in the row in front of me. As I walked over to them I feel to the ground in pain. "Oh crap." I said. I'm going to spare the details of this dream but I gave birth on the train. That's when I woke up. This may have been my weirdest dream yet....

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