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Ambra's POV

"You won't shoot me." I snapped.

"Why not? It would be quicker."

"But you won't."

He glared at me, before shoving me on the wall. He grabbed my throat.

"Listen, Ambra, last chance. Give me the money!"

"I really don't have it."

Dammit this bitch is strong!

"Well, you need to have it."

"Well, I don't."

"I didn't wanna have to do this."

"You won't."

"So Ambra. Should I shoot you?" He pulled up the gun.

I shook my head.

"You're not even scared are you?" He scowled.

I pressed my lips. The answer isn't gonna make him happier with me so....

He rolled his eyes. He tightened his grip on my neck.

"Stop." I chocked out.

I tried to swing at him but he used his other hand to stop me.

"Always with the anger." He laughed, rudely.

I coughed, trying to breathe.

I lifted my legs to kick him but he saw that coming to, and he held my foot back with his leg.

"You brought this on yourself." He laughed, as I tried to yank his hand back from my neck.

Everything started to go numb and my neck tingled.

I started feeling tired. "Ok, Ambra, it's almost over." He said. "Just follow the light."

He doesn't sound so cruel anymore. He sounds nice. Maybe I deserve this. Maybe I shouldn't blame him. Maybe it's my fault. He probably doesn't want to do this.

He let go as I started to fall over. He let me lean on him. "Just go to sleep."

"Amb-what the fuck did you do to her?" I heard someone yell.

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