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Hayes's POV

I was at the magcon house with the guys. "How old is she?" I asked Matt as I held Harper.

"Eight months."

I realized I didn't know anything about her. Not even when she was born. Nothing.

"When was she-" "October 21st."

"How much does she know?"

"She can crawl. And she can say a few things. And she can see really well. Oh, and she really liked to eat food. We can't give her much but since she's started teething she keeps crying for our food."

I smiled at Harper and she laughed.

"She has the Grier eyes." Matt sighed, sitting next to me.

Harper looked over at Matt and laughed, recognizing him.


I looked over at him and he looked awkward.  "Sometimes she calls me that. She doesn't understand...."

I pressed my lips together and nodded.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

The door swung open and Shawn walked in with Ambra, who was asleep. She had tear stains on her face and he was holding her bridal style.

"Hayes, don't freak out." He said, seeing I already had wtf written on my face.

"Um....what happened to her?" G asked as some of them walked into the room.

"Oh....can I talk to Matt about this...alone."

"No, I wanna know." I said, putting Harper on the ground so she could crawl.

"Well, she might not want you to know and its personal and I'm gonna respect her boundaries. But Matt should at least know."

"I'm her boyfriend."

"Actually, you aren't. You broke up with her two years ago. Now you're back and never asked her back out. So you're single."

"Shut up, Shawn." I mumbled.

"Matt, let's go on the porch." Shawn said.

He was still carrying Ambra like a doll, like it was the easiest thing ever.

I scowled at him and he caught my look.

"Would you like to hold her?" He asked.

"Yes. I would."

"Damn, I forgot how jealous you get." He mumbled, walking to be with Ambra.

He handed her to me like it was nothing, meanwhile I nearly fell on my ass.

How is he so fucking strong? What the hell?

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