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Ambra's POV

"Shhh, Harper, it's ok." I said. Harper looked at me, and looked scared.

Of course, once again, I'm the bad guy. What the hell...

"Harper, your mom just made a lot of cash. So we're gonna go in that car over there. And I'm gonna go drive over to some old friends mommy owes money to. I'm gonna leave you in the car for just a few minutes to give them the money, and I'll be right back. Sounds like a plan?" I said.

She just stared at me.

I opened the car door and put her in a car seat. I had him planning to take her back for two days now. I had gotten a car, and a baby seat prepared.

I buckled her in and got in the car. I drove over to the location and parked a block away from where I was meeting my old gang so I knew she was safe from them.

If I parked the car to close and they saw her, they would probably take her and hold her hostage for ransom.

"Ok, Harper, mommy will be right back. I don't have any toys, but it'll only be a few minutes. So hopefully you can deal with a few minutes of boredom to save mommy's ass, right?"

Short chapter but I have many plans😂

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