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Hayes's POV

After I got taken to the police station, I explained to them my situation. "So please, let me go. You know Ambra. And Matt. And their situation. I wouldn't make all this up. I would never kidnap a child." I begged the officers.

After a while, they gave in, as long as I could get a family member over 18 to pick me up.

"Ok, thanks." I smiled, relieved.

I grabbed the phone and called Tez.

After three calls he picked up.

"Hello?" He said.  "Hey...man." "Hayes?" "Yea...."

"What's up?" "I'm kind of at the police station.." "What'd you do this time?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I took Harper over to Ambra's house. Came back. Matt had called the police in me, for kidnapping!"

"No way. No fuckin way." "Yea way. It happened. Anyway, I need someone 18 and over related to me to come pick me up."

"Ok?" "So get your ass over here!" "Hayes....I'm not related to you. Plus, you're 18. Sign yourself out."

"They won't let me! So get over here."

"I'm not your brother!" "They don't know that!" "Um...actually they do."

"How?" "Look at you and look at me."

"We can make it work. Nash won't come pick me up, Will probably won't answer because he never does, Sky isn't 18, and my parents won't come. Please, bro."

"I'm not going to jail for pretending to be related to you."

"They won't find out." "They'll know." "We can make this work. They'll fall for it."

He sighed. "Fine. I'll be over in 15."

Friendship goals^^

And, why does this remind me of when Hayes picked up Ambra from the police station? That was such a cute night for them 😫❤️

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