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Hayes's POV

"Ambra?" I asked.

"Did you not hear me, nigga, I said get the fuck down."

"Wha-what are you-" I started.

"Everyone go and sit on the floor as far back as you can, or I'll start shooting."

JJ, Shawn, Nash, and I started backing up. Matt bent over to pick up Harper.

She fired a shot right next to Matt, just barely missing him.

"I said sit down, you cunt."

He gulped and backed up, siting down on the floor, as back as he could, with us.

You stupid ass whore...trying to touch her baby while she has a gun.

She shot at the ceiling and Harper started crying.

Ambra smirked. "I'll just be taking my child back, thank you very much."

She picked up Harper and looked at us. "Where do y'all keep the money?"

"We don't keep our money in the house. It's in the bank." Matt lied.

"Bullshit, I lived with you 14 years, Matthew. Where is the money?"

He froze. She shot the chair next to us. "One last chance."

"Fine, it's in the basement."

"Go get it. Come give it to me."

"What? No." Matt said.

She began to aim her gun at him. "Fine, I'll go." He yelled.

He slowly walked past her and then ran downstairs.

"Ambra-" I started. "Don't talk to me."

Matt came back with four bags full of money. My jaw dropped.

Who the hell has all this money just lying around at home? What the fuck? He's asking to get robbed.

Ambra smirked, grabbing the bags. "This is almost enough to pay off what I owe."

"Almost?" I yelled. She glared at me, mumbling "I owe a lot."

She opened the door. "Hope y'all have a good day, see ya soon."

She left, slamming the door. I just sat there, breathing heavy.

I turned to JJ, Shawn, and Nash. To see them all staring at me, expectingly.

"What?" I said.

"It's your job to fix her, go!" Nash said.

I rolled my eyes. "Are you kidding me?"

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