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It's Hayes's bday!! 🎉🎉 I love my bby boy so much, and he's changed so much since when little 14 year old Hayes joined magcon😂💯 but he's 17 now and (tbh he needs to stop aging and wait for me for the next two years) but love you bby ❤️ itshayes2000

Hayes's POV

"Come on, Matt!" I whined. I was asking to bring Harper to Ambra's apartment but since Matt had custody, I needed his permission.

Even if I was her father!

"No, Benjamin."

"Matt!" I yelled.

"You don't know! You never know what could happen with Ambra."



"Well, I'm taking her."

"No you aren't."

"Watch me." I snapped.

"Do it and I'll be forced to call the police for kidnapping."

"But it's not kidnapping, she's my child. See this child right here? Listen here, my sperm made her. K?"

"Listen closely, I don't care. I'll still call the police."

"You do that." I said, picking up Harper and grabbing her diaper bag.

I left and slammed the door.

I knocked on Ambra's door for about fifteen minutes before she woke up from whatever day nap she was in.

She opened the door, half her hair in a bun and in pajamas.

"Ambra? It's 4 PM!"

"Sorry I just woke up."

I rolled my eyes, and beckoned towards Harper.

Ambra's eyes looked at Harper, empty.

Then all of a sudden she smiled. "Oh my god, it's Harper!"

You just fucking realized?

I faked a smile. "Yea, I brought her over."

I passed her to Ambra and walked inside.

"Oh, she's so grown! And so beautiful."

"I know! I'm just upset I missed most of her life."

Ambra's smile almost fell but then she forced it back on. "Sorry about that....again."

Shit, probably shouldn't of mentioned that. Oh well.

I sat down and so did Ambra. Ambra set Harper on the ground, where Harper crawled around.

Ambra just stared at her, smiling.

I knew this was a good idea. Matt has no idea what he's talking about!

"God, the only thing I'm scared of is that she'll end up like me." Ambra laughed.

"Well, your only 18. You still have your whole life to get back on track."


"No, not still. I mean, you've hit a bump in the road but this isn't the end."

Ambra just made a face and looked away.

"You know it's not the end, right?"

She looked at me. "Um....yea." She lied.

"I don't know when I'm going back to Mexico, I might not."

"No...you should. You really should."

"I don't wanna miss out on Har-"

"She'll be fine."

"No, she won't be. A whole other year without her father? I don't wanna miss all that!"

Ambra smiled. "You're a good guy."

I nodded. "Yea, well...I've missed enough. She doesn't even know who I am!"

"Yea, again, I'm so-"

"Ok, I get it. You're sorry." I laughed.

It was silent a minute.

"Hayes...where'd Harper go?"

I heard a bing out in the hallway, and the door to Ambra's apartment was open.

We walked into the hallway. Harper was on the elevator, balancing by holding onto the wall. She clicked a button to the main floor.

We were on the 12th floor...

It binged again. "Shit." I said, running over to the elevator just as the doors closed with Harper inside.

"Fuck...what do we do?" I said.

"Oh, I don't know, run you idiot!" Ambra yelled, going towards the stairs. 

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Trying to update twice in one day since the next chapter is planned, too 😂👌🏽

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