An Old Friend

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I'm in Reno. I need to make the most of the time I have here. I'm only here a short amount of time before I am picked up and making my way to a convention in San Diego. I'm spending the day outside today. I'm going to spend the day looking In Reno. Its named the little big city I should find something to do. I need a bit of culture

Walking from the reception I sling my bag over my shoulders and put on my sunglasses. My skirt sways in the wind. The feeling makes me shudder,slightly regret the decision to wear it.

Reno is Beautiful. The streets are something I've never before experienced. The atmosphere is laid back and Its not busy so I can look around and take pictures (looking like a proper tourist).

I end up at an art museum and I spend 2 hours looking over the displays and reading about the artists.

Most of the day I just spend walking around and looking in the shops and bars. I've eaten in a casino restaurant which was beautiful. The club sandwich was amazing!

After I make my way to a small cafe and put my feet up. The owner is polite and I just order a coffee.

"You are a long way from home."

I laugh and agree with her.

"Beautiful is it not?"

"Yes ma'am." I reply trying the accent.

It's now her turn to laugh at my attempt. I don't blame her it was awful.

After half an hour I leave and wave at the lady who served me.

I make my way back to the hotel and decide to call it a day.

I'm greeted at the reception by an older lady who gives me a wink. I smile and look over at a stack of large black boxes. The receptionist laughs at my expression.

"Travel light didn't mean anything to this lot!"

I walk and take the lift to my floor. I walk down to my door and hold back a yawn.

"Ryah?"I hear someone say my name from down the hallway. I take my key from the lock as I turn to meet a familiar face.

"JAY."I can't hide my excitement. I bear hug him and he bear hugs me back.
"Wait till Ash finds out your here." He says while grabbing his phone. "Come on my rooms down here."
He pulls me towards his room and I'm greeted with a nod by Billy.
"Hide in here." He says and pushes me in the wardrobe.
Billy is laughing and I'm trying not to freak out.
"Shut up. This is going to be so unreal she is going to freak."
"Seriously need the back story to this later dude." Billy says still laughing.
"When I say monkey come out Ryah?"
"Uh huh."
I stay quite and try not to wonder why I've gone from leaving for dinner to being in a wardrobe.
"Ash. And Aaron.Hey guys."
"He's help me with the bags as you didn't come back. Zak' s helping Bacon."
"Good old Monkey boy."
"What?" I hear everyone say together.
I push open the door and look into the room. Ash drops her bags and jumps over to me.
She has already screamed and tackled me backwards.
"What, When?"
"Holiday. Yesterday. Massive coincidence."
Jay pick up the dropped bag and put it on the bed.
This is unreal I can't believe Jay and Ash are here in the same hotel. I'm freaking out. Zak walks in with another man and
"You know her?"I over hear Zak ask Jay.

"Yeah."He replies plainly.

I can see him look at me with an emotion I can place. I continue to talk with Ash and Jay with the constant feeling of being watched. I look up and smile every now and again.
"I'll let you all carry on." I say trying to make my excuses.
Ash hugs me followed by Jay.

"Nice to see you again Zak." I offer as I'm about to leave.

He smiles but doesn't say a word as I'm walking out I hear jay ask him'You know her?' in a mocking tone.
I walk out of the room. And almost run back to my own. The slight anxiety and nerves wash over me and I lean against the door.
After a while I'm looking around fora plan for this evening. My feet are still killing me so I decide to do a foot bath. I put a small amount of body wash in the hot water and leave it for a moment to cool. I put on a pair of lounge shorts and sit on the side of the bath. I swirl my feet around and the heat is slowly soothing the pain.
There is a knock on the door. I'm not moving and I didn't lock it. I shout for them to come in.
"Bathroom." Suddenly feeling very vulnerable I move to the end of the bath.
"What is that smell it's amazing." Ash says while leaning on the door.
"Zak told me your room number."
"Oh yeah." I didn't even begin to think how she knew where I was. "Wanna join?"
She kicks off her shoes and rolls up her jeans. Sitting where I was earlier she dips her feet in.
"This is amazing."
"I know.So relaxing." I reply. "How are you Ash?" I ask something doesn't feel right.
"I'm ok it's the travel you know. Then," she is cut off as we hear Jay shouting from the door.
"Come in." I tell again. Ash gives me a faint smile.
Jay comes in followed by Billy and Aaron.
"Bubble bath party! Can I come?" Aaron asks.
"Yeah jump on in."
"NO!" Billy and Jay shout.
"Don't Say shit like that he would jump in." Billy laughs.
I make an'oh' face which makes everyone laugh.
"What's going on?"I hear Zak ask from the back of the group. "Are we going to dinner?"
Ash puts her hand on mine. "I totally forgot to ask you to dinner."
"But you wanted a bubble bath party without me." Aaron sulks.
"You can come next time."I laugh.
"Do you want to come with us. Your on your own you can join us." Zak presses.
I want to say yes as much as I want to decline. I don't want to intrude.
"We will be ready in a minute meet you all in the restaurant." Ash agrees for us.

The Reaper's HandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora