Knives and Bras

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"Hey Ryah." Jay shouts. "Come over to say bye before we."
I'm turned around to look at Jay as Belle has one of my arms behind my back and the knife pointed in my side. I stand still.
I look in Jay's eyes and can see the panic. I try to stay calm but the feel of the knife at my side was starting to piss me off.
"Where is he."
"How the fuck would I know." I reply.
The knife digs into my side a bit further. The next move would stab me.
"Dude seriously could you be more," Aaron stops behind Jay.
"What's going," Zak starts while trying to push past.
There is silence in the room. I look at the floor. I can't look at anyone right now I need to plan my next move.
"Let her go." Zak's stern voice now offers.
"No. If I can't have you Zak."
"Then no one can. Are you serious." I reply.
"No Zak fuck off." I spit.
I hear Jay warm him quietly that I can more than take care of myself.
"Why are you here ZAK?"She asks.
Zak doesn't answer.
"She your new play thing?"She laughs. "I can get rid and we can get back together."
"We are never ever getting back together!" I sing.
"You are nothing." She says coldly in my ear.
"Ryah. This isn't a time to." Jay tries.
"Zak. Don't chose her over me."
"No." She screams. Its right in my ear. Bitch that was loud.
I feel the knife dig in slightly I breathe in to avoid it.
I look at Jay who's keeping my eye contact. Seeing him breathe in and out has me copying. Her trying to tell me to relax.
"I knew when I met you, that you are a slut."
She takes the knife away and points it at Zak. "You like this lunatic. Just listen to her."
"Yes I do." Zak finally answers.

My opportunity as she is shocked at his answer. I pull my arm up quickly and elbow her in the face.
She steps away from me and I turnaround grab her wrist. She goes to stab me but can't overpower me.
"You bitch." She spits. With a quick movement she cuts my hand.
I lose all my cool.
"Ryah walk away." Jay warns. I can hear him mutter something after. I hear Aaron comment on a change in my eyes.
No. I feel the blood run from the cut I run it onto my hand.
"Is this what you wanted." I start walking closer to her. "My blood? My life? What did you come here for?" I hold up my hand the blood now flowing down my wrist.
"Ryah stand down." Jays voice warns louder.
"Zak she is scaring me." Belle tries to sound like the victim now.
"You wanted this. Me to suffer so you can get your man."I put my hand up to her face and she screams. She swipes the knife at me again but misses as she has her eyes closed.
I punch her upper arm and the knife falls from her hand.
Punching her shoulder she cries out again for Zak to help her.
I hear jay warn Zak to leave it again.
"Don't take me on bitch." I spit again. Straightening up.
In her opportunity she pulls my hair back. "Zak will not be yours."
"You stupid bitch." I lean back and fall to the floor voluntary she also falls and I hear a crunch from her arm. As I turn to get up I see how much blood is coming from my hand. I almost fall back looking at it.
Belle screams for Zak who is looking at the blood on the floor.
I had to walk  away before I did something I regret. I walk past Aaron and he just has his mouth open.
Running now out of my Villa and sitting on the front pavement I feel light headed. I look at my hand and pull my shirt off and hold it around my hand.
Aaron runs out the front and pulls on my hand he adds pressure and leads me to his car.
He drives and tells me to hold my hand.
"I'm in my fucking bra." I cry.
My anger now subsided for sadness. I try and cover myself but fail so I just put my hands in my lap and cry.
"Ryah you are." Aaron says then makes some sort of whistle noise.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't." I cry.
We end up at a local doctors and we walk in.
"Straight through please."
Aaron takes the clip board from the receptionist.
"Take a seat please." I look up at a beautiful brunette. She smiles at me and I give her a small smile on return.
"Let's see."
I hold out my hand and she takes off my shirt.
"Another ruined shirt." I dig as she puts it in a yellow bag.
She cleans and looks at the cut on my hand. It's 3 inches in length across my palm by the thumb.
She spoke to me about my trip and how I was getting on. She was good at distraction as she pinched my hand and checked my reactions.
"Ryah who is your next of kin?" Aaron asks.
"It would be my friend in England but I'm not sure you will get through."
"I'll put me."
"No it's ok." Aaron continues to write and I see he doesn't look like he's having a great time.
"I don't mind doing that Aaron."
He shows me the form and what he's done. My name. His name and his number.
"Thanks Aaron."I smile.
The embarrassment now creeping in. I'm sat in a doctor's room in my bra with Aaron.
I'm given sticker stitches (butterflys)and she bandages me up.
"No more fighting." She laughs.
"I promise." I say
* * *
I sit back in Aaron'scar.
All my emotions come at once and I can't hold it any longer.
"I'm in my fucking bra." I laugh. "I just fought Zak's girlfriend."
I stop him from talking I don't need anything right now. Apart from my villa so I ask him to take me there. We laugh at how it would look walking around in just a bra.
Aaron comes in with me and I can see the blood has been cleaned up and the knife in a clear bag on the side. I close all the curtains. Blocking out the light and peering eyes.
I explain to Aaron I just wanted to get some rest. Sleep it off. I give him my spare key. Just to show he or Jay could come check on me in the morning.
I walk quickly to my room once he has gone and Sitting on the bed I slap my hands down a a surge of pain goes up my arm.
After a minute I decide to put my pyjamas on and crawl into bed putting the telly on.
I put on some sort of drama and start getting into the story quickly as I'm gripped.
The door opens and I'm not even aware it's open.
I look at the visitor then back to the telly. To be fair I've not even notices who it is.
"Hey are you ok? You don't need to stay here."
I look up from the telly and at Zak.
Just looking at him my eyes start watering.
"I'm so sorry." I sob.
Zak says nothing but puts a bag on the chair and climbs onto the bed.
"I'm so sorry."I cry into the bandage.
Zak kneels over me, takes my chin in his hand and kisses me.

His lips on mine again feels amazing. I lean on my hand and wince which he doesn't miss. He looks down and takes my hand in his hands and shakes his head. He explains he would be by my side to press charges.
"No. I don't want to cause trouble. I leave in two days for Phoenix so I'll be ok."
"Aaron wanted you to have these." He handed me a pile of black.
I look at what he has given me.
"Its his clothing brand." Zak answers for me.
He's given me a couple of new shirts. I put one on to try. Taking a selfie I send it to Aaron and thank him.

"We are leaving soon."

"I know."

"Are you going to be all right alone?" He says tentatively.

I nod. But he is right I doubt ill sleep tonight.

"Ill stay tonight." He finally says. "I cant leave after what's happened."

"You don't"

I'm cut of by another kiss. I can smell him and feel the urgency as he depends the kiss.

His tongue caressed mine. He pulls me in closer by my hair.

"Ryah can I be honest with you." He backs away and looks
"Please do."
"I like you." He kisses me again and there is a knock at the door.

He ignores it and rests his forehead on my shoulder.

"It is only us." I hear Jay shout.

Zak moves away and I sit up. Everyone comes in and its starts quiet and people look like they are walking on eggshells.

"So.Had a Good afternoon everyone?"

"Better than yours. I hear." Billy answers.

I laugh but agree.

"We are making a move." Jay finally says. He sits next to me and pulls me in for a hug.
"Call me everyday." He insists.

"I will."

"You better."

I hug him again.

"Call me everyday too." Aaron mocks.

"I charge for things like that." I wink and I wait for Aaron to slowly twig!

As I look over at Zak and he is staring at my hand.

"We have a flight back home but Zak said he is staying another night. You will be all right Ryah. Get some sleep. You will feel better." Jay says and hugs me again.

"Thanks Jay."

Zak makes sure everyone has left and I hear him bolt the door. He kicks off his shoes and comes back into the bedroom.

"You heard Jay. Get some sleep miss."

I smile and snuggle down under the covers. Zak sits in the chair and watches me. I pull back the covers and ask if he wants to get in.

He comes over and gets in.

I fall asleep holding his hand. 

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