Children with more life than adults.

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"Hey can I borrow you for the day?" Orlando's voice breaths down the phone.

"That sounds ominous." I say down the phone.

"It's for a charity thing."

"Oh right which one?" My first opportunity of charity work. I'm so there.

"It's a sensitive one. It's a children's hospital."

"Oh." Shit. Kids. Hospital. I have to be brave and go. "Yeah go on. I'll do it. When are where?"

"It's the children's hospital Miami. And Its massively late notice. It's tomorrow."

"Last in your list to call huh?"

"No.... Yes."

I laugh. Bless his honesty.

"I'm still in. Can you pick me up?"

We make further arrangements and I think I'd better get a waterproof mascara.


I make sure I've got on my waterproof mascara as I'm already feeling sensitive as aunt flow decided to visit.

Orlando picks me up early and he is in a casual white shirt and jeans. I've got an oversized white shirt on black jeans.

"I can't remember telling you to match my ensemble?"

"Yeah I totally agree a message saying what you wearing, is totally inappropriate."

He laughs hard and wipes a tear from his eye.

"You look good Ryah."

"Thank you. You are looking rather dashing yourself."

It's not a long journey and when we arrive we are signed in as visitors. I have to show my passport and criminal record check as I've not had my full documents yet.

"Ok now please be aware some children are in palliative care and their families are sensitive to that issue."

"Will you advise us?" I ask as I have no idea how things are going to work.

"Yes, I will be with you introducing. But please don't think of me as rude but how can I introduce you?"

Ah yeah good point.

"I'm the author of Crash. And I'm staring in 'The Rush'."

"Oh the new film they are working on?"

I nod and smile hoping we can just get started.

We walk to an elevator and Orlando takes my hand. I look down to it and then up.

"There is a special girl here who I've met before."

I smile briefly. Knowing at some point I am going to be a total mess.

The first room we enter is of a young girl with beautiful blonde curly hair. Her smile when she sees Orlando is huge and her arms instantly go in the air.

"Hey beautiful." He introduces. Walking to pick her up for a hug.

As I see the parent's sat by the bed I say hello and they shake my hand.

"This is Silvie. She is an inspiration."

"Pirates." She shouts as Orlando finally let's go of her.

She smiles at me and asks Orlando if I'm his girlfriend.

We both laugh.

"No Silvie I'm waiting for that special someone." he winks.

The Reaper's HandWhere stories live. Discover now