Stalking a Stalker

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You sat at the guild. It was pretty late and you were watching a certain girl...
Juvia Lockser. She was watching Gray who talked to Lucy.
You saw Juvia moving her lips mumbling something like "Love rival"

"Hey (Y/n)!" said someone behind you. You turned around to see Cana. She and Gray were you best friends at Fairy Tail. "Hey Cana what do you want?" you asked her. She pulled out two bottles outta her bag "Do you wanna drink something?" "No thanks but I don't drink" you answered. "I was hoping you would say that now I can drink everything alone!" she said while she sat down in front of you. She opened the first bottle and you continued to watch Juvia.

"Don't you think it's weird?"Cana asked after a few minutes. "What?" "Stalking a Stalker."Cana said simply.

You turned red. "W-what do you mean?" you stuttered. "Come on. You like Juvia!" Cana said a little loud. "Shhhhhh! Someone will hear you!" you said. Cana just ignored you and continued to drink.

You looked at Juvia just to catch her staring at you. Juvia blushed and looked back at Gray.

Great she heard us! You thought. "Hey the water-girl blushed at (Y/n)!" said Cana teasingly. "Just because she heard you talking about my crush on her!" you shouted. "So you do have a crush on her!" Someone next to you said . You looked around and saw Gray.

"Told you so!" Cana said. Gray handed Cana some Jewels. "You bet about me?" you asked. They both nodded. "So (Y/n) I'll help you!" Gray said and laid his arm around your shoulders. "With what?" you asked. You felt very uncomfortable with Grays arm around you. "With your crush of course. Juvia is annoying me anyways so if your two come together she may stop" explained Gray.

You looked around the guild and spotted Juvia at another table. She looked really angry but you didn't know if she was angry at you or at Gray.

"I don't think she even likes me as a friend!" you said. "Yeah, but you don't want to become friends with her right?"  Cana said. "Okay we need a plan that makes Juvia likes (Y/n) back." Gray said. "Easy, she just have to dress up as you and then boom Juvia loves her!" Cana said.

Gray and Cana started to argue about what's the best way to get Juvia to like you. You looked around and found Juvia walking angrily to the doors.

You got out of Grays arms and followed her. She walked down the streets of Magnolia. She stamped and seemed super angry. She walked through the streets. You didn't know were she was going but you followed her anyways.

Suddenly it was raining and you heard her sob. You walked up and to her.
"J-juvia are you... are you alright?", you asked.
"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" she asked and tried to hide her tears.The rain got stronger.
"Juvia I know this rain and it means your upset... so what's up?" you asked her and rubbed her back.

She looked in your eyes. "(Y/n)" she said. Just your name nothing more. You looked in her sad eyes. Those beautiful, sad eyes.

You couldn't resist her anymore. You leaned in and kissed her. For a moment everything stayed still. Then Juvia returned the kiss. You felt those soft lips on yours. Nothing else matters you to was standing there kissing in the rain. You tangled your hand in her hair.

You two kissed until you run out of oxygen. You pulled away and noticed it stopped raining. You realized what you just done and blushed madly

"J-juvia look I-I'm sorry... I couldn't resist your cute eyes" you managed to stutter. "Juvia actually liked it" Juvia said flustered. "Really?!" you asked happy. She nodded slowly. "(Y/n) Juvia likes you pretty much" Juvia said. "Juvia I love you!" you said to her.

Now she was the one kissing you. "(Y/n) will you be Juvias girlfriend?" she asked. "Sure! But what's about Gray?" you asked "don't you love him?"
Juvia looked down "Ya Juvia did love him but since a few days Juvia loves you!" she explained. "Okay" you said and kissed her softly.

Juvia Lockser x fem!reader [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now