Onsen [smut/lemon]

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"Shit!" you shouted and ripped another pice of paper with a shitty poem on it.

"Hey (Y/n) what's up?" Lucy asked.
"I'm trying to write a poem" you said.
"Do you need some help I'm pretty good at writing?" Lucy offered.
"Thank you but I want to do this alone. I.... it's for someone special to me" you explained.

Lucy smiled. "Well if it's so important you shouldn't force it. Maybe you should write down what you feel for that person and then try to form a poem out of it"
"But I don't even know what I'm feeling." you said.
Lucy laughed. "Then why do you want to write a poem?"

You looked down embarrassed. "I think I like her... I'm always happy when I'm around her and when ever I see her I get this ticklish feeling in my stomach. But I don't know if we're just good friends or ..." you couldn't find the right words.
"(Y/n) that sounds like more than friends." Lucy said in a sweet but kinda teasing sound. You looked up at her.

"Probably you should sort out your feelings before writing a poem" said a voice behind you. You turned around and faced Levy.
"Sorry couldn't overhear your conversation" she said with an apologetic smile.

"It's fine." you said "I thought this poem would help me to sort things out but it just confused me more"
"Maybe you should do something with this person like-" Lucy began to say
"Like a mission?" you asked excited.
"I thought of a date but I think a mission would work too"
"Yeah that's a good idea" Levy agreed.
"Thank you both so much!" you said and stood up.
"(Y/n) wait a second who is the person?" Lucy asked.
"Oh it's Juvia!" You said with a smile and then went to find Juvia.

You found her talking to Gray. You walked up to them and greeted both:"Hey guys what's up?"
"Gray-sama won't take Juvia with him on a mission!" complained Juvia and pouted.
Gray looked at you searching for help.
"Juvia I can't take you with me I have to do this mission on my own" he explained.
"Well maybe I can do something with you, Juvia" you offered.
Juvia thought for a moment. "Juvia thinks that would work too. Juvia's gonna pick a mission!" she said and then went off.
"Thanks. She's been asking me for the last three days to take her with me." Gray said.
"No problem" you said waving your hands in front of your face.
"No really. I owe you a drink." he said.
"No, no it's alright I wanted to ask Juvia to go on a mission with me anyways."
Gray looked at you and smiled. "You like her right?"
"What?! How do you know?! I-"
"It's pretty obvious" he said and laughed.
"Really?" you asked blushing.
"Yeah but I don't think she noticed. You should tell her. You two would make a great couple!" he said and then walked away.

After a while Juvia came back holding a sheet of paper.
"Juvia found a easy task. We have to test an spa and onsen!" she said excited. "Well they don't pay much but Juvia thought I would be fun to go there."
You looked a the sheet of paper. Juvia was right they won't pay much, almost nothing, but you could stay two nights with Juvia in a spa and onsen for free.
"Yeah it'll be fun to go there with you!" you said cheering.

On the next day you were on a train to the spa and onsen. You said next to a window in front of you facing you. She was clearly nervous.

"Hey Juvia what's up? You seem nervous." you said a bit worried.
She flinched slightly and said: "No ist just... Juvia never went to an onsen with a person special to Juvia..." she said and blushed lightly.
"I am special to you? " you asked surprised. She nodded.
"You are also special to me, Juvia" you said under your breath but you were sure Juvia heard it anyway.

You two didn't talk anymore during the train ride but often caught each other staring and then both look away embarrassed.

Juvia Lockser x fem!reader [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now