Dance [Circus AU]

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This is an AU in witch Fariy Tail doesn't exist as a guild but as a circus.

Since two weeks you worked at the Fariy Tail circus. You already made a few friends. You didn't got a job at the show tho.
You were responsible to feed all animals and keep their cages clean.

The first real friend you made was Natsu who worked with the lions. He was super kind and you spend a lot of time taking care of the lions together.

The second friend Lucy. She and Nastu were in some kind of friends-lovers-relationship, you didn't really get what exactly was going on between those two but they were your friends and that's all you cared about.
Lucy was part of the belly dancer crew and often took you to practice so you could watch her.
At first you didn't want to come along because you thought it'd be boring and rather stayed with Natsu at the lion cages. Then you found out who led the crew.

Juvia Lockser. You had a crush on her since you first saw her. From that day on you went with Lucy to the practice.

You loved to watch her dance her smooth movements. The way her hair run in soft waves while she moved around. Her hips swinging from one side to the other.

With the time you got to know the whole crew and through them a bunch of other people. But your best friends are still Natsu and Lucy.

It was a normal day. The circus just arrived at a new town. Everyone was busy setting everything up. You took care of the animals. Natsu helped you and took care of the lions.

"Yeah your a good lion" he said and patted Happy, the main lion, on the head. "(Y/n) could you help me with the food?" He asked.
"Yeah sure! Just a second!" you replied and closed the cage you were currently cleaning. You took the buckled with the lion food and brought it to Natsu.
You went back to cleaning the cage.

Suddenly you heard Lucys voice calling out for you.
"Hey (Y/n)-chan do you have a minute?" she asked. You turned around. Lucy stood outside the cage and next to her... Juvia. She looked around curiously.

"Uhm y-yeah what's up?" you asked and blushed slightly flustered at the sight of your crush.
"Juvia this is (Y/n)-chan, she takes care of the animals."
"Yes Juvia knows that. You took her to practice a few times." she said and smiled at you.
"H-hi" you stuttered and waved.

"Luce what are you doing here!" Natsu walked over and put his arm around Lucys neck.
"Natsu I'm here because of work. We need to talk to (Y/n)!" Lucy said and freed herself from Natsus arm.
"What is (Y/n) going to work with you? But I need her here to help me with the animals." Natsu complained.
He and Lucy got into a heated fight.
"No we just need her help" Lucy explained.
"But she is my helper" Natsu continues to whine about how your his helper and Lucy taking you away from him.

You turned to Juvia.
"Sorry about them they're always like this. Anyway you need my help?"
"Yes. Well Juvia was thinking of a new choreography for the show and Juvia thought it'd be cool if we could work with some of the snakes or something like that." she said.
"Yeah, well, I mean... I am responsible for the snakes but we have to ask Cobra first because he works with the snakes." you thought loud.
"Oh thanks anyway." Juvia said.
"If you want to I can ask him. I see I'm regularly." you offered.
"Really? You would do that for Juvia?"she asked.
You nodded.
"Great! Juvia owes you one. Juvia will be back later so we can discuss this choreography." she said and waved goodbye.

Time skip

You talked with Cobra about the snakes and he allowed the bellydacer to work with his snakes as long as they don't overwork them.

Now you were chilling with Nastu and Lucy waiting for Juvia to come back. Natsu was joking around again and Lucy was annoyed by his shit. 

"... and then Gray said 'It can't be that hard' and put his hand inside the box and was stuck for at least two hours!"
You laughed at Natsus story.

Juvia Lockser x fem!reader [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now