Arguing - again

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New message from Jackaboy

Jackaboy : What the fuck Mark!!! You asshole!!!

Markimoo : What have I done now???

Jackaboy : Don't lie to me!!! You know that you've been cheating!!!

Markimoo : No I haven't!!!

Jackaboy : So why is Amy's bra in your apartment???

Markimoo : She's been staying with me since she got dumped - she left yesterday. Amy messaged me saying she left some of her stuff behind and that she's gonna pick it up later - and what were you doing in my apartment???

Jackaboy : What-the fuck-ever - and none of your business what I was doing there

Markimoo : Fine, we can talk about this later

Jackaboy : No, don't bother - we're done

Jack threw his phone across the room, anger bubbling inside of him. He didn't understand why he was getting so upset. Jack wasn't good looking, he wasn't fit and he surely wasn't knowledgeable - unlike Mark. Mark was capable of capturing any man or woman of his choosing.

All this thinking only made Jack worse. Anger and jealousy was burning at his heart, an agonising pain searing through his head. He knelt on his bedroom floor - hands to his head and gripping with an impossible strength.

The pain still increasing, Jack slowly stood up and practically stumbled against his mirror. Looking at his reflection, everything started morfing in front of him.

Hello Jack

A high pitched voice rang in Jack's ears. The pain was unbearable and he screamed out.


The voice laughed, seeming to echo around the very corners of his mind.

You just have to let me in, it's as simple as that - then the pain will go

Jack felt pounding next - like the sides of his head were being continuesly hit with a hammer. No matter how hard he tried, the pain just wasn't subsiding.

Another sear of pain, in his chest this time, was enough to throw him across the floor. He stopped fighting the pain and collapsed on his bed. His phone lay on the floor beside him from where he threw it, but it was blurry and Jack couldn't make out any shapes. The corners of his eyesight faded into darkness, consciousness slipping away completely.

I'm back...

When his eyes opened again, he wasn't Jack. An evil smirk spread across his face as he swiftly stood. All his movements seemed un natural. He walked over to the mirror and admired what he saw.

His once pale skin was a papery white, his hair a dark green. But his eyes were what had changed the most. One was his normal piercing blue, but the other was a sickly green that seemed to not be connected to his head.

After smirking at his reflection, he took a deep breath and spoke in a high pitched voice,

"I think we are gonna pay old Markimoo a visit, I'm sure he'd love to see what you have become Jack."

Let me out!!! I've changed my mind!!!

"Now why would I do that Jack? I want to have some fun."

He unnaturally walked towards the phone lying on the floor, picking it up and examining it for any damage. Realising no damage was made disappointed him, so he threw it again - this time watching as it smashes into several peices.

"Let's go pay Mark a visit. But first..."

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