...Before the report...

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He knew where he was going and what he was doing - and Jack knew too. Jack was cursing none stop for ages, even tried to take back control. Anti laughed to himself before thumping started in his head.

Leave him alone Anti!!!

"Shut up!!!" Anti spoke out loud by accident, getting turned heads and disapproving looks. He just glared at them with his sickly green eye and continued walking.

After walking down the street at a slow pace, Anti walked down the path of Felix's house. Instead of knocking on the door, he glitched right in front of Felix.

"What the fuck?!" Felix exclaimed, dropping the mug in his hand and Anti watched as it smashed.


Felix looked Anti up and down, confused of his strange appearance. Anti's green eye flashed blue, then green again before Felix noticed. Clearly Jack was trying to warn him - which wasn't working.

"Jack?" Felix asked, fear lacing his voice slightly. His eyes became glazed with fear as Anti glitched. Every so often, Anti glitched in and out of focus.

The demon smiled and spoke in an extra high, off pitch voice.

"Nah, I'm too handsome. I'm Anti - and I'm sure you've heard a lot about me."

All colour faded away from Felix as he collapsed to the ground. He started to back away until his back  came in contact with the wall behind him. Anti glitched next to him and knelt to his level. Reaching behind him, Anti pulled out a knife.

He raised the weapon at Felix and snagged his cheek. Blood trickled down Felix's cheek, a stinging pain numb and consistent. Then a numb pounding started in his own head.

Touch him Anti and you'll pay!!!

A smile tugged at Anti's lips with his words. What could Jack do to stop him??? He slid the knife down Felix's face, more blood falling. Felix tried to scream - but his mouth became dry and nothing would come out.

Anti grabbed Felix by the hair and pulled him to his feet. The knife was placed on his throat, and Felix didn't dare breath too heavily. A mixture of anger and fear filled the empty room.

"Now," Anti said, " We can do this two ways - my way or the highway."

Felix didn't dare move.

"You help me eliminate Mark, or you die" Anger and hatred filled Anti's demonic eyes and the knife drew a small cut on Felix's throat.

Felix remained silent, except for a small flinch when the knife cut him. Anti noticed that Felix wasn't responding and with one swipe - Felix was choking on his own blood. Anti threw the lifeless body to the ground and walked out of the room

What the fuck did you just do??? - I'm gonna be a wanted criminal!!!

"I told him - my way or the highway"

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