Wrong death??

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Jack had scowered the entire house searching high and low for Mark. But he was no where to be seen. Tears started to sting at Jack's eyes as he sat down on the blood stained floor, fresh blood clearly there.

Why did Jack fuck this up?? All he had to do was hang in for a bit longer before completely letting go of everything. But with Mark gone - there was nothing to live for.

He got to his feet and headed to the kitchen. In one draw, there was a range of different knives; large, small, blunt, sharp. Jack mulled over them for a long time before slamming the draw shut. He wasn't going to give up - yet.

Mark had found how Anti was leaving the cramped room he kept him in - through a series of vents. But of course Anti just glitches wherever he wants. Biting his tongue, Mark crawled into the tight space. Pain pulsed through him as he crushed his shoulder.

He had managed to fix it - yet it was still broken. The space was crushing his body tightly together, room for movement at bear minimum. Taking small movements Mark started crawling through the vents.

After a few minutes, Mark had finally got to the end. Fresh air hit him as he silently scrambled out of the space and out into what appeared to be a hallway.

Suddenly, Mark heard something. It sounded as though it came from the kitchen. Maybe Anti was picking the perfect kitchen utensil to kill him with. Mark tiptoed across the hall and to the kitchen door, peeking through the slightly ajar door.

Anti's back was facing towards him, so he couldn't be seen. As though by chance a knife was an extended arm away. Reaching out to grab it, the knife fell. Mark caught it just before it hit the ground - but only just.

Carefully, Mark walked towards Anti - grip on the knife becoming firmer. Mark was a good foot away when Anti raised his head. It was looking away from Mark (thank goodness).

Mark lifted the blade above his head, ready to penetrate. But he hesitated.

It's still Jack

He seemed to have a silent conversation with himself before he raised the blade once more - higher this time. It was aimed for Anti's back, just between the shoulders. A tear fell from Mark's cheek.

I'm so sorry Jack...

Pain. That's all Jack could process as blood spilt from his back. He was stabbed?? A single tear fell as he saw Mark's reflection in the marble side. Mark thought that Anti still had control.

The corners of Jack's eyes darkened as consciousness slipped away. Mark stood in front of him, watching as Jack slouched to the ground.

He did this to save you

Jack sucked in one last shaky breath before slouching forward and letting the tears fall. The last thing he would see was Mark's eyes. But the normal chocolate brown was glazed with pain and regret.

"I'm so sorry." Jack heard Mark whisper, before everything went black and the darkness over took him...

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