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In light of recent events I will be taking over this project for GerithorDunedain. If you want it back at any time you are more than welcome to it.

This has turned out to be a lot more work than I anticipated, but am slowly getting to know the characters you all have so wonderfully provided. I have yet to memorize their names completely, but am close to it.

I just have a few more questions to ask the creators because this is easier than asking you individually.

Your character Aldrida Burrows has a very similar name to Stars_Alight 's character Adrahil. Would you be okay with the others calling her Burrows?

ieatalotofbooks & autumn_sunfire

Your character's names are also very similar. I would like to be able to avoid confusion and give Norin a nickname. Because she claims to be royalty I want to have Fendwall call her Princess. The rest of the characters, being who they are, will also pick up on the nickname. I will only do this if you like it. I might do it anyway to avoid confusion for myself.

If any of you have questions or concerns or last minute details please speak out now or forever hold your peace. Your characters belong to me now and I will do as I please with them.

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