Chapter Six: The Nightshade /Part Two

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"I am Captain Grindal of the Nightshade and your ship and her provisions belong to me."

Oros sputtered indignantly as the Nightshade crew swarmed over the White Raider. The crew was covered head to toe in eastern garb. All that could be seen was their dark eyes glittering with malice.

Eastern corsair scum, Oros thought as he pulled his ax from his belt. Roaring with rage he attacked the man nearest to him. The man jumped back, narrowly avoiding swift death by an angry dwarf. The crew of the White Raider followed their captain into battle. Fendwall found Oros and the pair stood back to back creating a storm of metal and blood. Qrow and Caston battered a large man, trading blows with wooden boards they had procured from somewhere. At the bow of the ship Calen fought alongside Livian and Morien. They had trapped four men between their blades and the open ocean, but were slowly being overwhelmed as more enemies flooded the ship.

Oros cursed when the second wave of Nightshade's crew separated him and Fendwall. Over the din of the fight he heard Fendwall roar in anger. Hacking viciously at the legs of the pirate in front of him, Oros shoved his way toward his first mate. A red shirt and yellow sash stepped in front of him and held a glittering rapier to his chin. Grindal sneered.

"Come, little dwarf, let us dance." Grindal's lip twitched. Oros bared his teeth and snarled.


Morien had become separated from Livian and Calen and he was in trouble. A short, swift man had cut him along the upper thigh before Morien dispatched him with a slender knife between the ribs. The man gasped in surprise as he fell slowly to the bloody deck. He turned and felt cold steel against his neck. The knife slipped from his hands.

Before Morien stood a second small man, maybe the brother of the one he'd just killed. Morien cared not. The man grunted something unintelligible and raised his sword.

"Wait!" Morien exclaimed. The man paused. "If it is this ship your captain wants, I can get it for him." The sword lowered. "The crew is already turning on each other. All they need is a little push, my friend."

"Ship? Friend?" the man asked. Morien nodded vigorously.

"If you spare me, I will deliver this ship to your captain at the shores of Mithlond."

"Swear it," the pirate grunted.

"I swear on my life," Morien pledged.




Morien turned to face the battle. The White Raider was overrun. Near the helm he could see Oros fighting against Captain Grindal. Something heavy hit the back of Morien's head and he knew no more.


Es huddled between two massive barrels, watching the fight in sheer terror. All around her huge men with yellow teeth and foul breath roared in anger. Heavy boots thrummed across the deck, sending vibrations up Es' feet and rattling her teeth. A body thumped solidly against the barrels. Es let out a strangled whimper when a barrel hit the back of her head.

"Eh, 'oo's there?"

Es bit her tongue.

"Well, well, well, what 'ave we 'ere?" A massive, dirty paw reached down between the barrels and pulled Es up by her arm. She screeched and kicked out, but her captor held her far away from his body. He peered at her with bloodshot eyes.

"Let me go!"

"Yer a little rat you are," he said. "A fine little snack for the fishes." He dragged Es, fighting tooth and nail to the fight.

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